nor(DEV): con 2024

The Norfolk Developers Conference!


Three days of Software Development Talks, Panels, & Workshops at East Anglia's largest developer conference.


A gathering of like-minded tech enthusiasts in our fine city of Norwich! This year, will be our 10th Anniversary and we're planning to celebrate it accordingly.


  • One Day of Workshops!
  • Two days of learns!
  • Two Evening Networking Meetups!


Event map


February 15th, 2024

11:00am – 5:45pm GMT
Thursday Talks
6:00pm – 10:00pm GMT
Conference Social

Thursday evening, we'll move from the Kings Centre to the "Last Pub Standing" "en mass".

A free bar, a BBQ, DJ, and a great opportunity to network with your fellows!

February 16th, 2024

8:00am – 6:00pm GMT
Friday Talks