NodeSchool Philadelphia 10AM - 4PM


NodeSchool is decentralized, open source and volunteer run. These are free in-person hosted workshops in which workshoppers are used as curriculum and mentors help attendees work through the challenges. For more about NodeSchool in general we recommend you visit the NodeSchool Homepage.

A big thank you goes out to P'unk Avenue for hosting and to Linode for sponsoring this event. It wouldn't have been possible without their help.


Q: Do I need to know how to program to attend?

A: It will be helpful to have at least a brief familiarity with Javascript but it is not required. I recommend jsforcats as a starting resource. It would also be helpful, but not required, to have a basic familiarity with the command prompt in your OS (how to navigate folders, make new files, ect). These things will help you get started more quickly.


Q: Do I need to bring anything?

A: Yes, you will need to bring a laptop or have someone to pair with.


Q: Will you be providing food?

A: Yes, food will be provided thanks to our sponsor, Linode.


Q: Do I have to stay for the entire event?

A: No, you can leave whenever is best for you. We do recommend that you arrive on time if you are new to NodeSchool for the initial explanation and demo.


Q: Is there parking?

A: There is street parking around the location. We are working with the venue to find if there are better options right now.


Event map

Additional Information

The event will run from 10AM until 4PM. Food will be provided thanks to our sponsor, Linode.

You will need to bring your own laptop.

It is possible that you will be able to pair with another individual at the event but we cannot guarantee that. It will be up to each user.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us on twitter, gitter, github, or by email.