Thursday - DevOps Belfast @ NIDC Meetup Week
DevOps Belfast will be making a comeback IRL at NIDC Meetup Week!
Grab your ticket at the bottom of this page.
Alternatively, watch our live stream on the NIDC Youtube Channel.
Speaker #1 - Lightning talk by Chris Laughlin
Build and Ship from anywhere
When thinking about development it is easy to imagine a room full of people working on high spec MacBooks using costly enterprise software. Let's start building software from anywhere! The sofa, a local coffee shop, or even the office, by leveraging cloud-based development and deployment products.
Speaker #2 - 30 min talk by Jonathan McDowell
Let's talk about disks
Hard drives (be they spinning rust or flashy SSDs) are never seen as the most exciting of things, but instead are mostly ignored and treated as a black box once reliability and performance concerns have been dealt with. But what actually happens under the hood when you read or writes files from within your application? This talk will cover some low level details about what happens at a software level when your OS talks to your storage, and what cunning tricks can be performed at the storage level to enable things such as RAID, compression and encryption. The intent is to demystify this system layer for the audience.
The main event will run between 7-9 pm, however, doors will open from 6pm followed by Boojum catering arriving at half 6pm.
If you're coming in straight from work, feel free to come along earlier to the venue at 6pm to chill out, chat and have some food before the event.
An elevator is available for anyone unable to use stairs, and our event will be taking place in a single-floor flat area without stairs. Toilets will be available downstairs.
Transport and Parking
There are multiple car parks in the area, including NCP Car Park Dublin Road and there should be various spaces on nearby streets. The surrounding area is very safe however NIDC is not responsible for your vehicle.
Code of Conduct
Our standard Code of Conduct applies.
A COVID-19 risk assessment has been performed for the venue. Our event is indoors and will require masks to be worn. We ask that you be mindful and respectful of others if asked, please keep a distance. Capacity will have a maximum of 60 people.
Your sign-up email will be used as track-and-trace contact information.
FAQ from You
Send us your questions, whichever way you prefer and we’ll put answers on this page for everybody. https://twitter.com/NIDevConf