NHS Hack Day #19 - Cardiff, 27th & 28th January 2018


Event map

Additional Information

Hack Days are a fun way to brainstorm collaboratively and come up with quick solutions.

Making actual software products isn't necessarily the aim; it's about having a great time, learning something and meeting some brilliant people.

The main advantage of Hack Days is having people with a wide range of skills all in the same room and working together. This is something that most of us don't get to do in our daily lives.

What makes NHS Hack Days different is that we are committed to welcoming people who don’t have computer skills to our events.

We want everyone with any interest whatsoever in healthcare technology: healthcare professionals, patients and their relatives, representatives from charities, social care and housing, and anyone else who wants to help out, or even just to see what we’re doing.

NOTE: This is not an overnight event - the venue will be closed during the evenings; attendees will need to arrange accommodation if necessary

Thank you from co-organisers Anne Marie Cunningham (@amcunningham) and James Morgan.