NHS Hack Day #28 - Cardiff
NHS Hack Day #28 is on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd of March 2025 in Cardiff. The days will run from 0900 - 17:00 (please note this is not an overnight event).
March 1st, 2025
March 2nd, 2025
Additional Information
What is an NHS Hack Day?
Hack Days are a fun way to explore a problem collaboratively and come up with quick solutions. Making actual software products isn't necessarily the aim; it's about having a great time, learning something and meeting some brilliant people.
The main benefit of NHS Hack Days is having people with a wide range of skills all in the same room and working together, something which may not be achieved quite so explicitly during your day job.
What makes NHS Hack Days different is that we are committed to welcoming people who don’t have computer skills to our events.
We want everyone with any interest whatsoever in health and care technology: healthcare professionals, carers, patients and their relatives, representatives from charities, social care and housing, and anyone else who wants to help out, or even just to see what we’re doing.
How does the event work?
At the start of the weekend anyone who wishes makes a brief pitch to attendees describing a problem they’ve experienced in the health and social care space. Multidisciplinary teams then organically assemble around the most compelling pitches and work on a prototype solution over the course of the weekend.
Towards the end on of the day (~3pm) on Saturday groups share their progress so far. Saturday evening is a social event. Then the end of the weekend (~2:30pm on Sunday) teams present what they’ve worked on to everyone and a panel of judges and there are prizes for the best work.
For information about how the weekend works and more, check out the about page on our website.
NOTE: This is not an overnight event - the venue will be closed during the evenings; attendees will need to arrange accommodation if necessary