Conference Details:
  • Workshop: June 25, 26, 2024
  • Conference: June 27, 2024
  • Location: MIdas Palace Hotel, Rome, Italy

About the Conference:

NGRome MMXXIV is a premier conference dedicated to the world of frontend development, featuring a comprehensive exploration of Angular, Mobile Development, Developer Experience and Soft Skills. It serves as a dynamic platform for developers, tech enthusiasts, industry experts, and thought leaders to converge and delve into the latest trends, innovations, and best practices within the realm of frontend development.

Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest conference updates and announcements!

Official website:



June 27th, 2024

8:00am – 6:30pm CEST
Conference Agenda
  • 8:00 - Registration & Welcome coffee
  • 9:00 - Opening Remarks - NGRome Team
  • 9:10 - Alex Okrushko, Marko Stanimirović, Brandon Roberts - NgRx Evolution: Exploring the Past\, Present\, and Future of State Management in Angular
  • 9:50 - Enea Jahollari ( ) - A change detection, zone.js and signals story
  • 10:15 - Soumaya Erradi ( Atlantis S.R.L. ) - Angular PWA: crafting apps that adapt anywhere
  • 10:40 - Panel - Alex Okrushko, Marko Stanimirović, Brandon Roberts, Enea Jahollari, Soumaya Erradi

  • 10:55 - Coffee break

  • 11:35 - Sponsor pitch - Keypartner
  • 11:40 - Michael Hladky ( ) - Angular Performance and Core Web Vitals in 2024
  • 11:55 - Alisa Duncan ( Okta ) - Introducing the Identity Guardians
  • 12:20 - Dani Coll ( Dynatrace ) - 5 tips to know before building a design system
  • 12:30 - Tamas Piros ( Cloudinary ) - Create Performant Angular Applications
  • 12:55 - Panel

  • 13:10 - Lunch

  • 14:10 - Sponsor pitch - ICT Group -
  • 14:15 - Mateusz Łędzewicz ( Lowgular ) - Long Road to Reusable Design System in Angular #2
  • 14:40 - Michele Olivo ( Crispy Bacon ) - Navigating the Code Maze: Strategies to Tackle Technical Debt in Angular Projects
  • 14:55 - Natalia Venditto ( Microsoft ) - The Angular approach to SSR and hydration
  • 15:20 - Christopher Holder ( ) - Testing Angular Components with Storybook
  • 15:20 - Panel

  • 15:35 - Coffee break

  • 16:15 - Brandon Roberts ( Opensauced ) - Building the next meta-framework for Angular with Analog
  • 16:40 - Julian Jandl ( ) - Concurrent Mode in Angular
  • 17:05 - Manfred Steyer & Rainer Hahnekamp - Where Do We Go From Here? Advanced Strategies for Signals
  • 17:45 - Panel
  • 18:00 - Closing Remarks - NGRome Team

Additional Information

Highlights of NGRome MMXXIV:

Cutting-Edge Angular Development: Dive deep into Angular, the modern web application framework, with insightful sessions and workshops led by Angular experts. Learn about the newest features, best practices, and advanced techniques to enhance your Angular development skills.

Developer Experience: Uncover strategies and tools aimed at improving the developer experience. Learn how to streamline workflows, boost productivity, and optimize development processes.

Soft Skills for Developers: Beyond technical expertise, soft skills play a crucial role in a developer's success. Attend sessions focused on communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership to enhance your professional skill set.

What to Expect:

Keynote Speeches: Engage with industry leaders and visionaries delivering thought-provoking keynote speeches on the future of frontend development.

Workshops & Hands-on Sessions: Participate in interactive workshops and hands-on sessions designed to provide practical knowledge and skill-building opportunities.

Panel Discussions: Join panel discussions featuring experts in the field, discussing current challenges, emerging trends, and future prospects in frontend development.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow developers, industry professionals, and potential collaborators. Share experiences, ideas, and forge valuable connections.

Exhibition Area: Explore the exhibition area showcasing cutting-edge technologies, tools, and services from leading companies in the frontend development space.

Who Should Attend:

Frontend Developers Mobile App Developers Software Engineers UI/UX Designers Tech Enthusiasts Students and Academia Industry Professionals Interested in Frontend Development

Join us at NGRome MMXXIV for an immersive experience that combines insightful learning, networking, and the latest advancements in frontend development. Stay tuned for more updates on speakers, agenda, and registration details!

Note: Registration details, speakers' lineup, and the detailed agenda will be updated closer to the conference date. Keep an eye on our website for further information.