ng-conf 2018
Tickets are on sale now!
Tickets will be sold first come first serve this year, so "like totally" be sure to mark your calendars, so you do not miss out! In the past tickets have sold out very quickly so be sure to have all your information ready and if needed get approval from your company today!
ng-conf 2018 is coming, and it’s going to be rad!
ngConf 2018, the Angular event of the year! As always this year's event will be focused on teaching, educating, and elevating each of the Angular developers in attendance. Always up to date, we will have sessions about the latest version of Angular and related technologies. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or expert, this will be the best opportunity we have ever provided. Our two days of optional pre-conference workshops require a separate ticket. Be sure to purchase one if you are planning to attend. Can't wait to see you there!
Book your hotel room at the Grand America, so you don't like, miss out on any of the excitement!
Book your flight here with Delta, our preferred airline. Use Meeting Code NMR67 for a wicked discount.
CFP opens OCTOBER 1ST and CLOSES JANUARY 15TH apply to speak.
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Tickets Prices in USD
Additional Information
For those coming to the conference, please stay a few extra days and enjoy the Salt Lake area.