NSA Industry Projects & Engagement Networking 2023 / Prosiectau Diwydiant a Rhwydweithio Ymgysylltu’r AMG 2023

You are invited to an Industry Projects & Engagement Networking Session hosted by Cardiff University's, National Software Academy (NSA).  This event will give you an opportunity to find out more about the range of opportunities to engage with the Academy students and discuss any ideas you might have for student projects, and any other activities, with our academic staff.

There are a variety of ways you can engage with the NSA and our students. From offering student projects and presenting at #Lunch&Learn sessions, to working with our students on summer placements. Successful engagement with industry is key to the ethos of the NSA.

This event is a great way for us to introduce you to the ways in which you can engage with the National Software Academy and start conversations about possible engagements for the coming academic year. Sign up now to guarantee your place at this event!

Fe'ch gwahoddir i Sesiwn Prosiectau Diwydiant a Rhwydweithio Ymgysylltu a gynhelir gan Academi Meddalwedd Cenedlaethol Prifysgol Caerdydd.  Bydd y digwyddiad yn gyfle i chi ganfod rhagor am yr amrywiaeth o gyfleoedd sydd ar gael i ymgysylltu â myfyrwyr yr Academi a thrafod unrhyw syniadau sydd gennych chi am brosiectau myfyrwyr, ac unrhyw weithgareddau eraill, gyda’n staff academaidd.

Mae amryw ffyrdd y gallwch ymgysylltu â NSA a'n myfyrwyr. O gynnig prosiectau myfyrwyr a chyflwyno mewn sesiynau #CinioaDysgu, i weithio gyda’n myfyrwyr ar leoliadau haf. Mae ymgysylltu’n llwyddiannus â’r diwydiant yn allweddol i ethos NSA.

Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn ffordd wych i ni eich cyflwyno i’r ffyrdd y gallwch ymgysylltu â’r NSA a dechrau sgyrsiau am ymgysylltiadau posibl ar gyfer y flwyddyn academaidd i ddod. Rhowch eich enw i lawr nawr i sicrhau lle yn y digwyddiad hwn!


Event map


August 31st, 2023

1:45pm – 2:00pm UTC
Registration and Refreshments
2:00pm – 2:05pm UTC
Welcome & Presentation

Introductions, purpose of the day and recent developments at the National Software Academy and wider University

2:05pm – 2:15pm UTC
Student project criteria & other opportunities

An overview of the requirements and type of student projects we look to recruit, and information on other industry engagement opportunities we offer and how we can partner with external organisations

2:15pm – 2:20pm UTC
Being an Industry Client

An insight from an organisation on the benefits of being an industry client, how it can help your company or establishment and what you will get out of it.

2:20pm – 2:25pm UTC
MSc Software Engineering Project Showcase

Students who have been studying our MSc Software Engineering programme will present their dissertation industry-projects they have been completing over the summer.  This will give you a flavour of the type of larger projects we look to take on at the masters-level.

2:25pm – 4:00pm UTC
Networking with NSA & CU staff

Networking and opportunities for discussing ideas for projects and other engagements with NSA staff