JS Kongress work hard, play hard

1 Ticket = intensive Workshop + Get-Together with the community on the evening before the 1-day-course or the evening in between for 2-day-courses | food and drinks for both included


Event map

Additional Information

JS Kongress is proud to introduce something new: We know, that JS Kongress once a year is not enough to quench your thirst for knowledge. And we want to stay in touch with you. Therefore, we are happy to be able to introduce to you:

JS Kongress work hard, play hard

1 Ticket = intensive Workshop + Get-Together with the community | food and drinks for both included

Find your course and date in the ticket options, there are multiple dates for each topic from which you can choose.

What is the workshop series “JS Kongress work hard, play hard”?

  • 1 Ticket = 💻 intensive Workshop + 🍻 Get-Together with the community
  • Learning by doing with experienced trainers, exchange with other developers, one-to-one questions.
  • 👭 party on the evening before the 1-day-course or the evening in between for 2-day-courses 👫 👬
  • 🍴food and drinks ☕ for both included

Because that’s what we from Munich Dev Events stand for:

  • Diversity – not just in Tech
  • A balance between professional work, fun and community
  • Bias for Action
  • Thinking one step ahead
  • A connection to open source and community driven projects
  • Party hard with the community