ngGirls Workshop: Angular Java Script for Beginners

women only event

Full Day Web Development Workshop with AngularJS

Who is it for?

Are you a woman interested in learning how to build web applications with the latest technologies? We have good news for you: We are holding a one-day workshop for beginners! It will take place on Saturday, October 20th, 2018 at the Fashion Cloud Offices.

We believe that the IT industry will greatly benefit from bringing more women into technology. We want to give you an opportunity to learn how to program and become a programmer.

The workshop

During the workshop you will build and deploy your very first Angular Web Application! Angular is an open-source platform for building web application, developed by Google and the community. It gives various tools to easily create a dynamic, interactive app that can run on desktop browses, mobile and even robots!

How to prepare

To participate in the workshop you'll need some basic knowledge in web development: HTML, CSS and basic JavaScript or any other programming language. If you're a total beginner, there are many tutorials on the internet for Web development: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You should get the grasp of how things work. Codecademy is a good place to start, since it provides a platform for coding while learning.

The workshop is free of charge.

The workshop will be held during the day.

The schedule below is tentative, you'll get the updated schedule by mail.


9:30 - check in 9:45 - opening lecture: introduction to Angular 10:30 - workshop begins! 13:00 - lunch break 14:00 - workshop resumes 16:30 - closing lecture 17:00 - goodbye

For this workshop moinworld e.V. based in Hamburg is partnering with ngGirls from Tel Aviv. You find more infos about our organisations on our websites: and


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Event map

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