2019 Developer Roadshow EU: Linz

Mozilla Developer Roadshow is excited to join developers and web creators at Storyblok, in Linz!

Hear from our Mozillians and friends on some of the best practices on the web platform including privacy and security guidance on building an immersive web browser, common tooling to build for virtual and augmented reality, using Firefox DevTools to learn modern CSS layouts, how WebAssembly is reshaping everything on the web

Doors open at 5.30pm with Talks kicking off at 6pm, and Social Hour starting at 8.30pm.

See Agenda details below.

All events are free, but please RSVP and confirm attendance since we will be providing food and beverages throughout the sessions.

Many thanks to our community sponsors

ScriptConf, Stahlstadt.js, and our DevRoadshow EU partner beyond tellerrand


Event map

Additional Information

Mozilla Developer Roadshow 2019 is in Linz to tell the story of how the web continues to democratize opportunities for developers and creators.


  • 5.30pm: Doors Open for Check In (please have your ticket ready)

  • 6.00pm: Presentations starts with Introduction

  • 6.15pm: Talks begin

  • 7:15pm: Short 15 minute break

  • 7:30pm: Talks resume

  • 8.30pm til 9:30pm: Social Hour Q&A session

Speakers Talk Description and Bio

Ali Spivak
Introduction: What's New at Mozilla

Get a quick overview of what we are working on at Mozilla - from new Firefox releases to WASM and many more!

Ali Spivak is the Director of Developer Relations at Mozilla, and oversees Mozilla’s developer documentation, content, events, and community participation. She has managed MDN for 5+ years, chairs the MDN Product Advisory Board and believes in an interoperable, cross platform web. Prior to Mozilla, she managed web production at Cisco, Edmunds.com, and numerous startups.

Hui Jing Chen
Talk Description: Understanding modern CSS layouts with Firefox DevTools

We often think of DevTools for debugging purposes but over the past couple of years, Firefox DevTools have become more than that. The newer layout properties like Flexbox and Grid introduce behaviours that might seem confusing at first, but Firefox DevTools provides features that can help us better understand how the browser interprets the CSS values we assign.

Chen Hui Jing is a self-taught designer and developer living in Singapore, with an inordinate love for CSS, as evidenced by her blog, that is mostly about CSS, and her tweets, which are largely about typography and the web. She used to play basketball full-time and launched her web career during downtime between training sessions. Hui Jing is currently a Developer Advocate for Nexmo, focusing on growing developer engagement around the APAC region.

Diane Hosfelt
Talk Description: Engineering for privacy in Mixed Reality

Mixed reality devices use always on cameras and sensors to overlay virtual elements on the physical world. Privacy is an existential question for this technology. This talk will provide an overview on Mozilla’s approach to building an immersive web browser and a social VR platform that empowers users.

Diane Hosfelt is the security lead for the Mixed Reality team at Mozilla Research and works closely with the Rust Project to improve security with formal methods and unsafe code guidelines. In her free time, she enjoys the great indoors with her cats, Batman and Watson.

Fabien Benetou
Talk Description: XR in the browser, how Mozilla is pushing the boundaries of reality

Virtual reality and augmented reality are among the most exciting fields. The use cases often look like sci-fi concepts brought to real life. Yet, under all this excitement and technological challenges emerge common primitives. Those primitives will be present in every VR and AR experience you will build. This talk will explore what are those primitives and which Mozilla tools you can use to push the boundaries of reality.

Fabien Benetou is a WebXR developer consulting for the European Parliament, the UNICEF Innovation Fund and more. He is building prototypes at the limit of what is feasible in virtual and augmented reality on the web. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but every step is a learning process.

Dan Callahan
Talk Description: WebAssembly in the Browser and Beyond

WebAssembly began as an experiment in bringing other languages to the browser, marking a radical shift in the fundamental programming model of the Web. It's not done.

Today, WebAssembly is poised to reshape everything from Node.js modules to containers, and even edge computing. But how is technology from the client side relevant to those domains?

Packed with live demos and real-world examples, this session draws from WebAssembly's past to predict its future. Come find out where we'll be in 2020, and beyond!

Dan Callahan is a Developer Advocate at Mozilla, where he works to ensure that the future of the Web is driven by the needs of real-world developers. Dan is passionate about emerging technologies such as Rust and WebAssembly that are transforming the Web into a more capable, resilient, and interactive medium. Dan is an internationally recognized speaker, including delivering recent keynotes at PyCon and Linux.conf.au. Prior to joining Developer Relations, Dan led the Mozilla Persona project, an attempt at creating a new standard for decentralized authentication on the Web.*

Thanks to our MC Stefan Baumgartner is a web developer/web lover based in Linz, Austria, currently employed at Dynatrace. Stefan writes, speaks and organises events on software development and web technologies.