2019 Developer Roadshow Asia: Tokyo
Mozilla Developer Roadshow is excited to join developers and web creators at in Tokyo!
Keio University, East Research Building at Mita Campus
Hear from our Mozillians and friends on some of the best practices on the web platform including privacy and security guidance on building an immersive web browser, common tooling to build for virtual and augmented reality, using Firefox DevTools to learn modern CSS layouts, how Mixed Reality is reshaping everything on the web
Doors open at 6.15pm with Talks kicking off at 6.30pm.
All events are free, but please RSVP and confirm attendance since we will be providing food and beverages throughout the sessions.
Mozillianとその仲間たちから、Webプラットフォーム上でのベストプラクティスについて学びましょう。テーマは、没入型Webブラウザーを開発する上でのプライバシーとセキュリティーに関する指針、仮想現実や拡張現実向けの開発で広く使用されるツールといった話題から、Firefox DevToolsを用いてモダンなCSSレイアウトを学ぶ方法や、複合現実によってWebの全てが変貌しつつある最新動向にも及びます。
Additional Information
Mozilla Developer Roadshow 2019 is in Tokyo to tell the story of how the web continues to democratize opportunities for developers and creators.
We are excited to bring our event to Keio University, East Research Building at Mita Campus
6.15pm: Doors Open for Check In (please have your ticket ready)
6.30pm: Presentations starts with Introduction
8.30pm: Talks finished, please exit the venue
Speakers, Talk Descriptions and Bios
Jessica Rose
Our MC for the Mozilla DevRoadshow Tokyo
Jessica Rose is a technologist passionate about fostering more equal access to technical education and meaningful work in our industry. She works with Mozilla on the TechSpeaker program, helping passionate volunteers travel the world and share their knowledge. She's founded the Open Code meetup series, co-founded TransCode and hosts the Pursuit Podcast. She's always interested in hearing about what you're working on, or what you want to build next.
Ali Spivak
Introduction: What's New at Mozilla
Get a quick overview of what we are working on at Mozilla - from new Firefox releases to WASM and many more!
Ali Spivak is the Director of Developer Relations at Mozilla, and oversees Mozilla’s developer documentation, content, events, and community participation. She has managed MDN for 5+ years, chairs the MDN Product Advisory Board and believes in an interoperable, cross platform web. Prior to Mozilla, she managed web production at Cisco, Edmunds.com, and numerous startups.
Hui Jing Chen
Talk Description: Making CSS from Good to Great: The Power of Subgrid
Grid has lived up to the hype and since its release in 2017, it has been increasingly used in production, from personal sites to big name organizations like the New York Times, Sony and slate.com. Even though Grid allowed us to do many things with an ease that was not possible before, there is still room for improvement. Cue Subgrid. This feature allows nested grids to participate in the sizing of their parent grids, solving a major pain point developers faced with just Grid alone. This talk will explain how subgrid works and the use-cases it solves.
2017年にリリースされたGridは評判通り、個人サイトからNew York Times、Sony、slate.comなどの有名組織のサイトまで、幅広い製作現場で使用が急速に広まっています。Gridはそれまで不可能だった手軽さで、多くのことを可能にしてくれましたが、改善の余地もあります。そこでSubgridの登場。この新機能を用いれば、子グリッドが親グリッドのサイズ決定に関与できるようになり、Gridしか用いない場合開発者に骨の折れる作業が必要となる行程を解消できます。この講演では、Subgridの仕組みと、実際の事例でいかに役立つかをご紹介します。
Chen Hui Jing is a self-taught designer and developer living in Singapore, with an inordinate love for CSS, as evidenced by her blog, that is mostly about CSS, and her tweets, which are largely about typography and the web. She used to play basketball full-time and launched her web career during downtime between training sessions. Hui Jing is currently a Developer Advocate for Nexmo, focusing on growing developer engagement around the APAC region.
Karl Dubost and Daisuke Akatsuka
Talk Description: Best Viewed With…Let’s Talk about WebCompatibility
The Web gave each of us the possibility to reach anyone, anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you use a TV, a laptop, a VR headset or a mobile device, you will be able to access and create content. And still… this is too often not the story we live. From “Best viewed with IE” to the now “Best viewed with Chrome”, we deliver bad experiences to others. In this talk, we will go through tips and tools to avoid Web Compatibility issues and understand their consequences. Your websites can be reached by more people. Get ready to be everywhere.
Talk Description: ウェブは、だれでもどこからでも平等にアクセスできる可能性を持っています。テレビやラップトップ、ヘッドマウントディスプレイやモバイルなどに関係なく、等しくウェブコンテンツを閲覧、作成できるはずです。しかしこれはまだ実現途中と言えそうです。たとえば、“Best viewed with IE” (IE での表示が最適です)から“Best viewed with Chrome” と続く慣習とその体験が今もまだ散見されます。 本トークでは、ウェブ互換性問題とはなんなのか?また互換性問題を回避するためのヒントやツールを紹介します。あなたのウェブサイトがより多くの人々に、あらゆる場所に届くように。
Karl Dubost: Always a bit far, there, near here, Karl is living in Japan. He likes to explore his self-contradictions on sunken lanes. Walking toward every nowhere. In the Mozilla Webcompat team, he gives patina to the Web asperity, so people do not hurt themselves.
Daisuke Akatsuka: A previous formula car racer, Daisuke abandoned his dream of going pro in order to complete his studies at Tokyo Metropolitan College of Aeronautical Engineering. After working as a soba noodle cook and a welder, Daisuke decided to pursue his passion for programming and began contributing to Firefox in 2006 where he now leads the work on web compatibility tool as well as the animation tool and contributing to other developer tools in Firefox. Follow Daisuke @dadaaism
Brian Birtles
Talk Description: 10 things I hate about Web Animation (and how to fix them)
Animations can make your site or app feel intuitive, fun, and polished, but they can also be hard, slow, and irritating. Let's look at some of the difficult parts and new features Mozilla has been working on to fix them.
Title: アニメーションについて嫌いな10個(またその解決し方)
Talk summary: アニメーションは、ウェブコンテンツをよりわかりやすく、楽しく、 洗練されたものにします。しかし使い方によっては、実装が複雑になりコンテンツが重くなるなど、ユーザをいらいらさせてしまう危険性を伴います。本トークでは、アニメーションの難点を一緒に考えて、Mozillaが開発した新たらしいアニメーション機能を紹介します。
Based in Tokyo, Brian has been working on animation features in Firefox since 2004 and contributing to CSS animation specifications since about 2010. In 2019 he started Birchill, Inc. in Japan to make Web apps but continues to contribute to Firefox and the W3C Follow Brian @brianskold
Philip Lamb
Talk Description: Developing for Mixed Reality
on the Open Web Platform
オープン・ウェブ・プラットフォームにおける Mixed Reality (複合現実) の開発
Mixed reality (including virtual and augmented reality) is a hot area of software development right now. All the major software players want to own the space and are actively trying to attract developers to their proprietary platforms. Users are reaping the benefits of this investment, but for developers, there are dark clouds gathering: platform lock-in risk, market fragmentation, and violations of user privacy. Mozilla proposes and is building a different model, one based on open standards, open-source, and user-agency over data and privacy.
This talk will discuss recent developments in MR technologies and platforms, present the open platform alternative being built at Mozilla, and showcase recent developments by the MR team at Mozilla, including the Firefox Reality VR browser, Hubs by Mozilla social VR, frameworks for content creators, and WebXR, the new W3C standard API for building MR apps that run over the web.
Philip Lamb is a Senior Research Engineering Manager with Mozilla’s Mixed Reality research group, working on virtual and augmented reality browsers and novel mixed-reality technologies. He has 20 years experience in augmented and virtual reality, alongside skills in real-time rendering, software architecture, and an academic background in robotics and perceptual psychology.
Kathy Giori
Talk Description: Mozilla WebThings: Manage Your Own Private Smart Home Using FOSS and Web Standards
Mozilla has built the WebThings Gateway as an open source implementation for the W3C Web of Things standard, targeting smart home applications. We will show how to set up and manage a WebThings Gateway, so you can go home and configure your own. Then you will get hands-on, and learn to make your own smart home devices (using low-cost developer boards). And finally, we will show how to connect commercial products to your home gateway, while still protecting your privacy (by keeping data local, not sending it to the cloud).
講演概要:Mozilla WebThings — FOSSとWeb標準を用いてプライベートなスマートホームを管理しよう
スマートホーム向けの使用を念頭に、オープンソースのW3C WoT標準規格を実装すべく、MozillaはWebThings Gatewayを開発しました。この講演ではWebThings Gatewayのセットアップ法と管理法をご紹介するので、参加者の皆様は帰宅後ご自身で早速設定できます。さらに、実機デモを通して、ご自身だけのスマートホーム端末の作成法を学べます(低価格の開発者向け基板を用います)。そして最後に、プライバシーを守りながら、市販品をご自身のホームゲートウエーに接続する方法をご紹介します(データをクラウドに送信せず、ローカルにとどめておく方法を用います)。
Kathy Giori is a Senior Staff Advocate at Mozilla, promoting WebThings, an open source Web of Things implementation which embodies Mozilla's values around privacy, security, and interoperability. In previous roles at Arduino.org, Qualcomm Atheros, and other startups, she has been promoting the benefits of open hardware and software, and finds that bridging open communities with industry drives faster innovation. She received her bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, and her master’s in EE from Stanford.