Mentorship Breakfast Morning hosted by Mayo Association Dublin

Mayo Association Dublin is hosting a networking and mentoring event for Mayo people based in Dublin. Whatever work you are in, or whatever work you want to get into, sign up and benefit from the connections, experience and expertise of Mayo people in Dublin.

The event will take place in Byrne Wallace on Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, on Friday 6st March with a 7.30am sharp start time, concluding just before 9am. The event will consist of a light breakfast and networking, with members of the Mayo Association Dublin connecting people throughout the morning.

The purpose of the event is for Mayo people starting off in their careers (students or those with up to 5 years experience in a given field) to learn from, network with, and get some advice from other Mayo people who have trodden their path ahead of them.

Mentors and mentees will be connected on the day over a light breakfast, allowing for informal advice to be given, and contacts and networks to be established and strengthened. Mentors who are not already members of Mayo Association Dublin will be asked to join the Association on the morning of the event. Membership is €25 for life membership. Mentees who sign up to the event will be given one years free membership.

Please choose one ticket from the various Mentor and Student Tickets below and register. If your category is full please register interest for the waitlist. We look forward to meeting you on 6 March.