
Map-py Open Data Day

with the support of the following (in alphabetical order) :
▸ advocates from Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (Philippines)
Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (HIVOS)
▸ advocates from OpenStreetMap (Philippines)
▸ advocates from Red Cross (Philippines)

Session Start Activity Topics
Session A 09:00 Workshop Open Contracting (B. Pintor)
MapaTalk 12:30 MapaTalk (aka lightning talks) Intro to MapaTime (E. Olario); Intro to Open Data (V. Cortez); Open Data Story (D. Garcia, videocall); Intro to OpenStreetMap (E. Villar); Mapping Mountain Trails (L. Lunas) ;
Session B 15:00 Workshop Participant-driven event. Collaborating partners will describe challenges they have with their data, and explore/learn/collaborate with other participants how to address them.

Free-flowing coffee, and tea. Free lunch will also be served, courtesy of HIVOS.

MapaTime! is a space and time for mapping, geospatial data, and places and causes you care about.

Come as you are. Everybody is welcome. No previous experience necessary.

We'll teach you how to map, have fun with maps, and make a positive impact on other peoples lives.

We meet every last Saturday of the month to collaboratively work on maps, learn about open (geo)data, and teach each other about various tools and techniques for mapping. Our goal is to provide an accessible, friendly space and time for humanitarian mapping, collaborative learning, data exploration, and map creation using open mapping tools and technologies.


Register interest

Additional Information

Hands-on mapping sessions

Kindly bring your own device ( a mouse is strongly recommended!), and charger. Laptops are best, but tablets can work, too.

Field mapping sessions

Depending on the objectives, any required tools or equipment will be announced beforehand.

We are supported by like-minded friends, and passionate advocates from the open mapping community. Feel free to bring refreshments for sharing.