360idev Night of Meat 2014

The Night of Meat is an ancient tradition forged in a time when Macs came without Retina displays, and our cell phones were limited to Edge connection speeds. These hungry developers wandered through various cityscapes over many cries of "No, this place sucks!" to finally stumble upon the glowing aura of a Brazilian Steakhouse. It is our neck-bearded forefathers (and foremothers) we honor in this epic feast of epic epicness!

You are hereby invited to join us for a nerd feast of epic proportions! To defray the time and effort of collecting multiple checks on the evening of meat, you must purchase your ticket to meat prior to arriving at the meat hall.

Tickets Prices in USD

Event map

Additional Information

Your admission fee covers

  • Dinner
  • Tax
  • Gratuity
  • Non-alcoholic drinks (sodas, water, etc)

All alcoholic drinks you enjoy during the Night of Meat are NOT included, and may be purchased at the cash bar.

If you are unable to pre-purchase a ticket, the door admission price will be $55.