Spring Picnic in Hyde Park

There are few things scarier than planning a picnic in the UK. Come rain, hail, or sunshine LET'S DO THIS.

Bring a plate of food to share. Bring some drinks too. Bring your friends, family, and pets along for a fun afternoon. A few games, new friends, and co-conspirators.

We can't guarantee good weather but we can guarantee it will be legendary.

David Ross, volunteer Mozilla Rep


Additional Information

Participation Guidelines

All our UK Community gatherings adhere to Mozilla's Community Participation Guidelines. Everyone is welcome, but we reserve the right to act upon the expectations described in that document. It's a picnic - be good to each other.

Data Retention

All data retained is to enable us to effectively run this event will be destroyed within SEVEN DAYS of the event being held. Until this deletion, your data will be held by Mozilla Corporation in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you wish to stay connected join us in the Mozilla UK Community Forum. You can follow topics there and it's way more flexible than a boring old email list that you never read anyway.