Kickstart Your Developer Career Evening Workshop

In this evening workshop we’ll be talking about how to start a successful career as a web application developer.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Build your technical skills and what skills to focus on.
  • Market your projects and abilities to potential hirers.
  • Find and secure your first job offer as a developer.

The format of the evening is three presentations about each of the above topics, with plenty of time for questions and discussions.


  • Date: Tuesday May 10th 2016
  • Time: 17:30 -> 20:30
  • Location: The Green Room, Remark Events, 18 Leather Lane, London, EC1N 7SU
  • Number of attendees: 16 (12 tickets on sale sale, 4 seats reserved for Codebar members)

Nice things people have said about this workshop

“Thank you Ali for such an invigorating talk that demystified the big scary topic of building a developer career. It definitely helps to have such practical and useful tips to navigate the painful process of starting out not knowing where to put your feet.”

Amy Yang - @aycyang, quote from a blog post about the presentation.


“Ali gave a talk at Makers Academy on how to start a successful career. This presentation was rated as the most useful guest talk ever at Makers Academy.”

Evgeny Shadchnev - @shadchnev , Co-founder of Makers Academy


“I wouldn't have had the courage to get my first job as a developer without going to this talk. There are so many things I hadn't thought of, like what I want from an employer, how to approach salary negotiation and of course the all-important tech stack.”

Olu Niyi-Awosusi - @oluoluoxenfree


Can't make it? Register your interest here to be notified of future runs of this workshop.