Interaction16 Predux

See the Interaction16 presentations from two Irish designers before the rest of the world! The evening will encourage a lot of discussion and interaction across emerging IxD topics -- we hope you can join us and add to the fun!

Doors open at 18.45


The Art of Drawing – Learning from the Masters - Kathryn Parkes, Swrve
From Quantified Self to Quantified City - John Lynch, Future Cities Catapult

About our speakers

Kathryn Parkes, Director of UX & Design, Swrve
Kathryn is currently Director of UX & Design at Swrve, a mobile marketing automation company, founded in Dublin and now headquartered in San Francisco.

She has previously managed her own user experience design consultancy as well as led the implementation of UX research and design strategies for clients in the telecommunications, banking and public sector at design agency IQ Content.

Her background is in the education technology industry where she led R&D and New Product Development for over 10 years at Electric Paper, one of Ireland’s most successful e-learning companies.

She is an active member of the Interaction Design community in Dublin and enjoys speaking, mentoring and running workshops locally on communicating design ideas through sketching and visual storytelling.

John Lynch, Project Lead, Product & Service Design, Future Cities Catapult
John Lynch is Project Lead, Product & Service Design in the Urban Futures team at Future Cities Catapult in the UK. John studied Multimedia at Dublin City University building a physical gaming interface pre-Wii and pre-Kinect way back in the early 2000’s. His work as a multimedia developer brought him to the urban context through heritage exhibitions and mobile apps in Ireland and as far afield as Shanghai Expo 2010.

In 2011 John completed the Interaction Design Programme at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID) and from there worked as a design consultant with CIID for some of the world’s most influential brands. In 2014 John relocated from Copenhagen to London to work at Future Cities Catapult in London leading the “Sensing Cities” and “OrganiCity” projects dealing with urban data, the internet of things, citizen-centred design and the products and services enabled by all of the above.

Huge thanks to The National College of Art and Design for hosting us in their amazing space and to Frontend for sponsoring delicious pizza.


Event map

Additional Information

Our Sponsors

The National College of Art and Design occupies a unique position in art and design education in Ireland. It offers the largest range of art and design degrees in the State at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Founded in 1998, Frontend is an international based User Experience and Interface Design consultancy. We provide a range of User Centred Design Services (including user research, user modeling, task analysis, design, and user testing) for websites, software applications, mobile applications, consumer products, digital devices and print.

Frontend was founded by a core group of experienced interface and graphic designers; our mission was to develop a new approach to design problem solving, focused around end-user or customer experiences. Since then we have expanded our skill-base to include usability, accessibility, cognitive psychology and software development. We have built a creative team with a broad range of skills including problem solving, project management and strategic thinking.

Frontend have developed an impressive international blue chip client-base including AIB, Bank of Ireland, Barclays Bank, BBC, BridgeCo, Diageo, D-Link, HP, Microsoft, Rabobank, O2, Reuters, Revenue, Unilever and Vodafone. Our extensive experience across industries and geographical markets can be seen in samples of their work.