INTO Retirement Planning Seminar - 11/12 November 2022
Retirement brings change. Taking the time to consider the changes and how to handle them will help you plan and take control of your future.
The INTO Retirement Planning Seminars are delivered by our team of experts and are specifically tailored for primary teachers who are contemplating retirement.
We endeavour to assist our members in understanding what to expect from retirement and in helping with the preparation required. We would advise that if you are considering retirement that you would attend a seminar at least a year prior to your proposed retirement date.
Our Seminars are designed to be informative, enjoyable and engaging. The programme includes topics under the following headings :
- INTO Guide to Pensions
- Introduction to the Retired Teachers’ Association
- Income Tax
- Wills & Inheritance
- Psychological Changes in Retirement
- Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle
- AVCs and Making The Most of Your Investments
- Comhar Linn Credit Union
On Friday, registration starts at 8:30 and the Seminar starts at 9:30am and runs until 5pm. On the Saturday morning, the start time is 9.30am and finishes at 12.40pm. The €50 charge includes all teas/coffees throughout the 2 day period, full lunch on Friday and a light lunch prior to departure on Saturday. There is also a Wine Reception at 5pm on Friday evening.