INTO Newly Qualified Teachers Seminar:

Congratulations all Newly Qualified Teachers!

To celebrate your graduation to NQT status and assist you in preparing for your first year in teaching INTO invites you to a seminar in the Malone Hotel on Wednesday 16th August 2023.

The seminar will include practical information and tips on Induction/EPD, Contracts, Pay scales and NISTR. There will also be a networking opportunity with School Leaders from across NI for those of you looking for a job in September.

The seminar will run from 10.30 to 4.30 followed by Refreshments!

*Please note, free overnight accommodation for this event is now fully booked - a waiting list has been set in place.***** To secure your place please **register before **Tuesday 8th August 2023.

Please register your details below to secure your place by completing BOTH steps of the 2-step registration process:


Additional Information

This is an INTO Northern Office event open at all graduating student members