Beauty Innovation Summit San Diego

THE FUTURE IS DIGITAL. CONVERGENCE OF BEAUTY RETAIL,TECHNOLOGY, E-COMMERCE AND EXPERIENCE. In person and digital event (Hybrid) WHO WILL BE PRESENT? A diverse group of beauty retailers, innovators, tech leaders, disruptors, and inspirational speakers, with expertise on the emerging trends in technology, consumer behavior, and e-commerce marketing strategies for retailers.

WHAT ARE WE ABOUT? We are especially known not only for inspiring speakers and curated network, but also for our experiences that are a large part of the program. This is the foundation for building strong personal relationships in business, which lasts... for years! This is what INNOCOS stands for.

AFTER JOINING, you will gain access to the internal network and mingle with people you meet prior, during and after the event.

Important! The health and safety of attendees is our top priority. Depending on the situation with covid 19 by the date of the summit, we will offer on-site rapid testing to assure secure participation for everyone.

Sign up HERE if you like to receive the agenda. Or book now!

Tickets Prices in USD

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Additional Information

INNOCOS (stands for INNO-vation COS-metics), an international thought leadership platform to keep up with latest trends and innovations in beauty. This year even is focusing on the convergence of beauty, retail, technology, e-commerce and experience. Conference agenda updated daily here Please note: We’re no longer requiring proof of vaccination prior to the event. We encourage masks to be worn indoors, distancing when possible and for attendees to stay home if they have a fever, are feeling sick or are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms. You can find more about our Covid protocolshere.