Cooler Clinics October Sustainable Touring
Date: Monday 7th October
Time: Talk at 1pm, limited 1:1 consultation slots available from 2:00pm-4:00pm
Location: Online via Zoom
Event Overview: Each month, Improvised Music Company hosts Cooler Clinic CPD events at The Cooler at The Complex or Online.
In October, we’re hosting an online discussion about sustainable touring as part of the Better Live programme. We’ll outline some of the opportunities and challenges artists are facing with the climate crisis, and offer some tips and ideas on
- Small adjustments for a more sustainable tour
- Green riders and negotiating changes
- Considering sustainability in funding applications and project planning
- Sustainability and green touring for bookers and organisations
- And some points for thought around music and the climate crisis
Attendance is free, but registration is necessary.
What to Expect: Whether you have an established career or are just starting your journey, our Cooler Clinics are designed to address your concerns and propel your career forward. There will be time in the group discussion and in 1:1s for your questions.