
A p2p node.js learning workshop in State College, PA., using the open source choose-your-own-adventure lessons.

Get your tickets!

Additional Information is a community driven, open source educational software that teaches various node.js and JavaScript skills in an interactive, self-guided format.

Register and attend if you want to meet up at the New Leaf Initiative community workspace and dive into a nodeschool workshop. There are workshops available for every skill level -- from JS beginners all the way to experienced node programmers.

Date: - April 1st, 2014

Time: - 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Place: - New Leaf Community Workspace in the Borough Building on South Allen

You'll need to bring your own laptop

Visit the Happy Valley - Learn Node.JS website for more details or keep reading!

Additional Information:

We will run from 5:00 pm until ~10:00 pm. Afterwards, those who feel so inclined can join for drinks at one of the many fine establishments located in downtown State College.

The event will have about an hour of installing and diving into the various workshops, and then another hour or two of time to meet other attendees and consume refreshments. The best part of doing nodeschool events in person is creating real-world connections.

If you have finished all of the nodeschool workshops already then you should consider mentoring. Sign up as a mentor to attend and help others get through their first few challenges. You can also attend and hack on new workshops -- the workshop software itself is open source.

NodeSchool strives to be a welcoming and safe event for all attendees. Attendees should follow the conf code of conduct