Angel Investing Deal Lead Masterclass
The HBAN Boole Syndicate, based in Cork, is holding an Open Event & Deal Lead Masterclass on Monday 14th of October at 12.15pm.
The event is open to both registered members of HBAN and anyone who is interested in finding out more about angel investing. One of the benefits of investing as part of a syndicate is the ability to invest in more companies as part of a group. Business angels come together to invest as a group or syndicate, which is usually led by a "Deal lead".
This approach means that as an individual investor you can invest in 10+ companies and perhaps lead the deal and be actively involved in only 2/3 of those companies, letting other fellow syndicate members lead the deal on others. This method of angel investing has been widely accepted as best practice and proven to significantly improve your chances of success in the business angel world. This masterclass will give you a good understanding of how to lead a deal and how this model works. Syndicating, sharing deal lead & due diligence work allows investors to invest in more companies and therefore mitigate the risk in their portfolios.
Join us for this investor-only event in Cork on the 14th of October for this Deal lead masterclass which will be led by Aidan O'Driscoll from Irrus Investments and other members of the Boole Syndicate.
- Welcome & deal lead masterclass presentation – Aidan O’Driscoll
- Open Session & Q&A with Aidan & Boole deal leads
- Pitches x 3 companies
- Networking
Additional Information
Boole Investments
The Boole Investment syndicate is a Cork-based group of like-minded investors interested in investing in new technology start-up's with scalability and they are currently recruiting new members. This group has extensive business acumen in a variety of industries from medical devices to clean technologies to software. Syndicate members are all accomplished entrepreneurs in their own right and are looking to build a diversified portfolio of investments, preferably but not exclusively, in the Southern and greater Cork region. The syndicate meets every month and invites companies to pitch at each meeting. Boole Investment is supported by the Halo Business Angel Network (HBAN) and Cork Business Innovation Centre (CorkBIC). If you are interested in joining please email ted@hban.org