KCD Italy 2024
KCD Italy è l'evento cardine della community italiana di Kubernetes. Contribuisci alla crescita della comunità CNFC unendoti a noi in questo evento Cloud-Native e condividi competenze, esperienze e successi!
Il Kubernetes Community Day Italy (#kcditaly) è un evento sostenuto dalla CNCF (Cloud-Native Computing Foundation) e organizzato dalla community italiana di Kubernetes. Il suo scopo primario è quello di creare spazi di condivisione e confronto su tematiche legate agli universi Open Source e Cloud-Native, nonché di promuoverne la diffusione.
Questa edizione del KCD Italy avrà luogo il 20 giugno 2024 presso il Savoia Regency Hotel.
Verranno condivise competenze, esperienze e novità da parte di esperti affermati, figure emergenti e appassionati del mondo Cloud-Native. L'obiettivo del KCD Italy è quello di coinvolgere un numero sempre crescente di sviluppatori e architetti con diversi livelli di esperienza, contribuendo in tal modo alla crescita della comunità CNCF! Hashtags ufficiali: #kcditaly #kcditaly2024 #CNCF #teamcloudnative
Kubernetes Community Day Italy (#kcditaly) is an event supported by CNCF (Cloud-Native Computing Foundation) and organized by the Italian Kubernetes community. Its primary purpose is to promote the spread of knowledge and create spaces for individuals to share and discuss issues related to the Open Source and Cloud-Native universe. This edition of KCD Italy will take place on June 20, 2024, at the Savoia Regency Hotel. We will share insights, stories, and experiences from established experts, emerging figures, and enthusiasts in the Cloud-Native world, with the goal of engaging an ever-growing number of developers and architects with different levels of experience, thereby contributing to the growth of the CNCF community! Official Hashtags: #kcditaly #kcditaly2024 #CNCF #teamcloudnative
More info: https://community.cncf.io/events/details/cncf-kcd-italy-presents-kcd-italy-2024/
Additional Information
- Tickets are not refundable.
- If you need to pay by bank transfer instead of credit card, please reach out to kcd@apropos.srl
- INVOICING: you'll receive an email with the instructions right after the purchase.
- The tickets are nominative: you can change the name on it until a week before the event.
- Tickets are sold by Apropos, on behalf of KCD Italy.
We are looking for sponsors who want to support the conference and the community. Write to kcditaly@gmail.com for information.
Become our media partner to receive discounts on tickets that you can share with community members.
To ensure that anyone can feel comfortable and safe we apply the following code of conduct: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/about/code-of-conduct/