FAST - TV 2.0

Go See TV and The Royal Television Society West of England would be pleased for you to join us for the upcoming event: FAST - TV 2.0 – The Future of Television. Supported by MyWorld and Netgem, on the 7th of December 2021 we will be discussing where the world of television is migrating to and how the internet has disrupted the broadcast and content world. Please join for an in-depth discussion on the future of ad-supported TV.

Our panel will include Sylvain Thevenot - Managing Director of Netgem; Jonathan Collins - Vice President of Digital Distribution, Imagicomm Entertainment and Emmanuel Ogidan – Commercial Director at Freewheel (a Comcast company). There will be supporting interviews from: Professor David Bull from the University of Bristol, Bristol Vision Institute and MyWorld;  Nathalie Bourdon - Director of Distribution and Market Development at the National Film Board of Canada; and Chris Hall - Deputy Chairman of Manx Telecom. This will all be moderated by the legendary Ralph Simon ('the father of the ringtone') - Founder and Chief Executive of Mobilium Global. We will look at new distribution, monetisation and funding models from the movers and shakers in the media world.

The FAST - TV 2.0 format will include a round table where each panelist will have a few minutes to speak about how the internet has changed television forever. They will address the benefits and challenges that the internet brings to content delivery and consumption. Some of the questions to be addressed include... Have the incumbent behemoths like Netflix, Amazon and Disney changed the media landscape forever; is ad-supported linear TV dead or just transforming; has the sheer availability of content and the fragmented delivery made it more difficult for brands to engage with viewers. What is the answer to these challenging questions? Can technology offer a solution? FAST - TV 2.0 will offer insight into the fast-changing environment of FAST TV (Free Ad Supported Streaming Television).

Join us live from Bristol on the 7th of December at 18:00 GMT (invite-only) for an evening of wine and hors d'oeuvres, followed by FAST - TV 2.0. starting live and virtually at 19:00 GMT, followed by a live Q&A. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the Future of Television.


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