Miro x GitNation Meetup [In-Person]


  • 18:00-18:30 - Doors open (grab a drink and take a seat)
  • 18:30-18:40 - Welcome and introduction
  • 18:40-20:00 - Talks
  • 20:00 - 21:30 - Networking + snacks/drinks

Talks of the evening:

  • Building the perfect micro-frontend framework for your companyAlex Lobera (Software Engineer, Miro)

You work for a company with hundreds of engineers contributing to the same codebase. The company needs to build more features faster but an increment in developers does't increment productivity significantly. Should this company use micro-frontends? Is there a perfect micro-frontends framework for their use cases and requirements? In this talk I'll explore the ladder of abstraction that you'll need to walk to create the perfect micro-frontends framework for your case.

  • Job Interview: Function CompositionKyle Simpson (Software Engineer, Public Speaker, and Teacher, USA)

In this talk, we’re going to pretend we’re on a job interview, and have been given a single starting function. Using only this function, we have to build up many more functions. Can we pass the interview and get the job!?

  • Zero Bundle Size React Server Components - Aashima Ahuja (Software Engineer, Miro)

React Server Components were introduced in React 18 and launched with NextJs 12.  Server components add 0 kb to the client bundle. I will be talking about what react server components are and how we can use them in our application. I will also do some live coding , creating a server component and see the huge benefits in bundle size and others.

Follow @ReactSummit https://twitter.com/reactsummit for updates.

Any questions? Email Kristina kristina@gitnation.org