Ninja Warrior Takeover
Sunday 1st December 024
Venue : Ninja Warrior Guildford, 2 Thornberry Way, Guildford GU1 1DQ
Please note that tickets are non refundable. If you have girls drop out of the event it is your responsibility to fill the place.
You may pay by invoice/BACS, please select this option at checkout.
CONSENT FORMS Consent forms alongside waiver forms will be emailed to all ticket holders along with full details of the event. Unit leaders will be responsible for distributing and collecting all consent forms for their girls for this event. You may wish to add/change the travel arrangements etc on these forms to suit your local arrangements.
Please note : Your email will be shared with Ninja Warrior Guildford
You do not need to assign tickets, you can skip this part if the system asks.
The system occasionally locks to prevent overselling of tickets, if this happens please wait and refresh.