GeoBeer #42

On Thursday, April 25th, 2024, we will meet for GeoBeer #42 in Bussigny AND Aarau at the same time. The two events will take place simultaneously, with a bidirectional live stream for the keynotes. The team from Camptocamp will be hosting us this time. Thank you for sponsoring this double event!

Program Start at 18:15

  • Intro by the GeoBeer Team (2 mins)
  • Welcome Note (2 mins) by the host)
  • Lightning talk 1: Where is Waldo’s lab at EPFL? by Natalie Meystre, EPFL
  • Lightning talk 2: Geodata in civil protection: Preparation, prediction, analysis, reaction by Elio Pittera, Federal Office for Civil Protection
  • Apéro Riche


Bussigny: Camptocamp SA, QG Center, Rte de la Chaux 4, 1030 Bussigny

Aarau: Brauerei Aarau AG, Weihermattstrasse 80, 5000 Aarau


For registering (or joining the waiting list), please see below. We will open registration on March 28. By registering you acknowledge that participants and organizers may take photos during the event and share these in social media or in our newsletter. Please make sure you register for the location where you will be attending.

Future events

In order to never miss the registration window or future GeoBeer events, we recommend you subscribe to our newsletter. By doing so, you agree that we use your submitted personal data for mailing newsletters (and nothing else).


Event map

Additional Information

GeoBeer is a quarterly meeting of people interested in geography, GIS, cartography, and the latest technologies. We want to promote ideas and communication. See our manifesto at for details. Sponsors allow us to make GeoBeer events free for everybody. GeoBeer is organized by Ralph Straumann, Anne Wegmann, and Marc Folini together with local organizing committees.