GeoBeer #27

On May 16th, 2019, starting at 18:00, GeoBeer #27 will be hosted in the Emmental: The Franz Gertsch museum in Burgdorf is probably the most artsy location we've been, thanks to our sponsor Geocom. We look forward to an exciting evening with great people, a.k.a. you, in Burgdorf!

Pre-Program – Start: 17:15

Before our main program, we have the unique opportunity to visit the main collection and the current exhibitions of the Franz Gertsch museum

Program – Start: 18:00

  • Intro by the GeoBeer Team (2 mins)
  • Welcome Note from Tim Boerner (2 mins)
  • Lightning talk Visualisierung von Bauprojekten mit VR by Nicole Sulzberger, EBP
  • Lightning talk – Offene Geodaten für Schweizer Bahnhöfe by Georg Russ, Die Mobiliar
  • Apéro Riche, including the possibility to try out VR yourself


We meet in the Franz Gertsch Museum, Platanenstrasse 3 in Burgdorf about 5-10 minutes from the main station (see the map below).

Registration and future events

In order not to miss the registration window or future events, we recommend you subscribe to the GeoBeer newsletter. By doing so you agree that we use your submitted personal data for mailing newsletters (and nothing else).


Additional Information

GeoBeer is a quarterly meeting of people interested in geography, GIS, cartography, and the latest technologies. We want to promote ideas and communication. See our manifesto at for details. Sponsors allow us to make GeoBeer events free for everybody. GeoBeer is organized by Stephan Heuel (@ping13), Ralph Straumann (@rastrau) and Anne Wegmann (@anwegmann) together with local organizing committees.