Social Good Summit

The 3rd annual Social Good Summit focus is not on profits, but social change. Madison's innovative community is poised to move the needle on social good acceleration — changing the way business and work will touch our lives. The Summit challenges entrepreneurs to address community issues and challenge our community, the Greater Madison Area, to be more entrepreneurial in its approaches to solving societal issues. Learn more below.

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The 3rd annual Social Good Summit focus is not on profits, but social change. Madison's innovative community is poised to move the needle on social good acceleration — changing the way business and work will touch our lives.

Every week, accelerators launch hundreds of business initiatives into fruitful realities. But these opportunities are scarce for those who want to create meaningful work, public good, community well-being, and sustainable economies.

It’s time to accelerate good— individuals, ideas, projects and businesses that add value to our communities. It’s time for an accelerator model that lends its support to projects focused on basic human needs, and creating vibrant and thriving communities.