Process Mining Training
Get a head-start in your process mining initiatives by understanding the process mining concepts with all their implications regarding data preparation, analysis methodology, and project work. In this intense online course, which covers all the topics of our 2-day in-person training, you will learn the necessary foundations of process mining, tackle advanced topics, and run through a complete project in small-step exercises for you to follow.
Disco is pretty intuitive. Do I still need a training?
Yes, it is really easy to get started with process mining with Disco. That's great, but in our experience people only discover around 30% of what they can do with process mining and Disco by themselves. Furthermore, this is not a course about how to use Disco but teaches you the important methodological concepts around the practical application of process mining. This training will give you the basis to use the full potential of process mining in your work.
I have already followed the Process Mining MOOC. Should I still attend this training?
Yes, there is close to zero overlap between the MOOC and this course. The MOOC gives you a great in-depth view into the theory behind process mining and the state of the art in process mining research. This training is strictly focused on the practical application of process mining and covers many practical topics that are not addressed in the MOOC at all.
Can I also pay per invoice?
Yes, you can choose between credit card and invoice payment when registering via the website below. You can also contact Anne at anne@fluxicon.com to directly to reserve your seat and receive a custom invoice.
Are there trainings in other languages?
Our regular trainings are in English because the participants come from all over Europe and the US. However, you can contact us for a custom web training at your company, which can be held in Dutch, German, or English according to your choice.
Additional Information
How can you get value out of your existing data in a way that supports your business process improvement initiatives? How can data analytics help your company to become a process-oriented organization?
Process mining is a new data analysis technology that focuses on processes. With process mining, you can make your actual processes visible and measurable. By automatically discovering process maps that show how these processes are really running, and where the bottlenecks are, process mining is your fast track to meaningful process control. Instead of just relying on gut feeling, you can now start your process discussions within your company based on data. If you are completely new to process mining, watch this 15-min video introduction here.
For consultants, process mining presents a powerful and visual tool to show your clients their own processes, in a matter of seconds. Help your customers become data-driven, and make your engagements more valuable by focusing your improvement initiatives on the right points of action.
This course is right for you if:
You are responsible for a process in your organization, and you want more transparency and improvements for your own process
You are a business analyst who wants to speed up and substantiate process improvement initiatives in your organization
You are a data scientist who analyzes processes and needs to communicate these analysis results back to the business
You are a consultant who helps clients to understand, improve, and control their processes
You are an auditor who wants to provide higher level of assurance or needs to work in a more efficient way
You are working in the IT department and your role is to understand business requirements (for example, to replace legacy systems or to design customer journeys)
If you have used process mining before, then you know how easy it is to get started. Nevertheless, there are numerous questions that pop up quickly once you want to start using process mining in a real project:
How much data do I need to get good results?
How can I be sure I am not making mistakes and get results that are actually wrong?
How does process mining fit into my current process analysis approach?
We at Fluxicon love process mining, and we have been working in this field already for more than fifteen years. After finishing our PhDs with Prof. Wil van der Aalst at TU Eindhoven, we founded Fluxicon to build Disco, the best process mining software for professionals. Our mission is to spread the word about process mining, and to bring the community closer together. We regularly write about process mining on our blog and in our Process Mining News, and we have summarized the process mining methodology in our Process Mining in Practice book. We also organize Process Mining Camp, the annual conference for process mining practitioners.
From working with our Disco users and the process mining newcomers in the community, we continuously see the questions they ask and the things they miss when they start out. In this course, we have put all our experience together to give you the essentials that you need to know to be ready for using process mining in practice.
We have all seen too many courses where dozens of participants receive an overwhelming amount of abstract lectures. The examples given are clearly made up and idealized. As a result, you either fall asleep, or you can't ask your questions, because that annoying guy in the first row always dominates the discussion. And to top it off, you have that sneaking suspicion that your lecturer has started learning about the topic only a few weeks ago, and has never done a real project himself.
In this course, we work interactively in small groups, to make sure that every participant leaves fully prepared, with all questions answered. We show real examples and give you more than enough time to practice hands-on. Rather than assuming only "good weather data", we get down to the actual data quality check and data cleaning tasks that you often need to do in practice. We give you our tried-and-tested project methodology that guides you through the necessary steps.
The Trainers
Your course will be given by Dr. Anne Rozinat and Rudi Niks.
Anne is not only a noted academic expert on process mining, but has more than 15 years of experience in practical process mining projects. Anne has obtained her PhD Cum Laude in the process mining group of Wil van der Aalst at Eindhoven University of Technology. In her role as process mining lecturer at several business schools in the Netherlands and in Germany, she has been consistently ranked as excellent by the students.
Rudi is among the first process mining practitioners in the world. He has over ten years of experience in applying and introducing process mining in large organizations. As a Master Black Belt, he was responsible for large business transformations in finance and government. In process mining he found a way to accelerate these transformations. As a process mining lecturer, Rudi shares his knowledge and experience by combining theory with real examples from his practice.
Training Program
Theoretical knowledge is important, but it is only through practical application that we learn the best. That is why, in this course, you will solve real problems on your own computer, and we will demonstrate even the theoretical concepts using concrete examples that you can follow along based on the example data sets that we provide.
Our training takes place over a series of interactive web training sessions. This means that you can jump in and ask questions at any point in time, just like you would do in a classroom setting. There are four sessions that run from 15:00 until 17:00 CEST each day (see your own timezone here). Between the sessions, you have a few days to process the materials and practice with additional exercises, on your own time. This online training covers all the practical process mining topics of our popular two-day on-site training.
What you will learn:
Introduction and positioning: We will keep the introduction short and focus on how process mining fits into existing process improvement methodologies. We will also look at how process mining is different from other methods and what it is not, so that you can clearly place it in your head.
Guided hands-on session: Then, we will dive into the first hands-on session. Together, we will go through a typical process mining scenario in a step-by-step manner. You will learn how to import data and perform your first process mining analysis.
Simplification strategies for complex processes: One of the first challenges that you will encounter in your own process mining projects is that the discovered process maps can become very complicated. You will learn ten strategies for how to deal with this complexity based on concrete examples.
Typical process mining analysis questions: When you start out with process mining, it is often a bit of a chicken and egg problem. You are supposed to start with questions about your process, but which kinds of questions can you actually answer with process mining? We will give you 20 typical process mining questions as a starting point and show you how to answer them.
Hands-on exercises: You will start practicing with two exercises, where you will work on real data sets by yourself. In the end, we will discuss your solutions in the group.
Data preparation and data quality: Now that you know everything about how to analyze a process, we dive into the data challenges. Obviously, most IT systems do not provide you with a neatly prepared event log, ready to be used for your process mining analysis. Instead, you will have to prepare the data and often even combine data sets from different sources. We will take you through the data preparation steps, discuss common pitfalls, and also give you a checklist to assess the quality of your data.
Project template and business case: Process mining is not used for its own sake, but it needs to fit into your way of working and solve actual business problems. We will discuss a typical project set-up and provide you with a template about how you can build your business case based on process mining.
Project exercise: The last part of the training will be spent hands-on by going through a complete process mining project. In ten steps, you will start by formulating the project goals and hypotheses for your analysis, prepare and clean the data, analyze your questions, and assess the expected impact of the suggested process changes. In this exercise, you will experience the run through an actual process mining project.
Wrap-up and closing: We discuss open questions, how you can stay up to date with ongoing process mining developments, and we plan a follow-up webmeeting, where you can catch up with your group members about their experiences in putting the new knowledge to work.
And when the course is over, you are only just getting started with process mining:
You will receive our training materials so that you can review them and repeat the exercises.
The course fee also includes a 60-day full training license for Disco, so you can apply your newly-acquired knowledge on your own data after the course.
About two months after the training, join us for a one-hour web meeting, where you can ask any follow-up questions that you have had since.
We have a very limited number of seats available because we want to keep the training groups small, intimate, and productive. Sign up now, and make sure you don't miss this opportunity!
PS: If the dates don't work for you, or if you prefer an in-house web training for your organization, please get in touch with us at anne@fluxicon.com.
What others are saying
We have delivered more than 100 process mining trainings over the past years. Here is what some of the most recent participants had to say about it:
Dennis Houthoofd, Finance & business control, process optimization and process mining at horsum:
I expected a thorough training on the process mining software Disco, but we received much more than that. Many hands-on experiences and best practices have been shared. We also learnt how to efficiently and pragmatically perform process mining projects and how to deal with potential pitfalls.
The Delivery was perfect. The hands-on exercises and entire practical approach is excellent.
Milos Halecka, Cloud Practice Manager at Millennium:
I appreciate the practical insight into the topic from a skilled process mining analyst, it's not just product training. A great introduction into the topic, with practical insights and lessons learned from previous projects. It's also great to meet other process mining enthusiasts to exchange experiences, discuss the market situation etc.
Olaf de Vriend, Senior financial consultant at Novo Consilium B.V.:
Wat ik leuk vond was de praktische insteek (bekende problemen tijdens analyse en data kwaliteit) en het werken met het pakket via de opdrachten. Kleine groep waardoor ook veel interactie tussen de deelnemers. Leuk om te zien hoe een ander een andere invalshoek heeft in het oplossen van de vragen, daar leer je uiteindelijk ook veel van. Een goede training om meer te weten te komen over process mining en veel praktische handvatten om effectief je processen te kunnen minen. Anne heeft duidelijk jarenlange ervaring in dit vakgebied.
Lucy Brand-Wesselink, Process manager at ALFAM Consumer Credit:
I liked the interaction, the cases, and the speed during the training.
I very much liked the practical aspects of the training. Especially where the typical problems in a project are discussed and the possible solutions were introduced. I think this course is a must for someone who is working in data-driven analysis of processes. There are many useful hints about real-life projects, event if one is educated and trained in process mining.
Peter van der Meijden, Head of LLP Europe at DHL Global Forwarding:
I liked the interaction during the training, and the mix between theory & exercises was very nice. The pace was good and led to a good flow during the 2 days. It's a very interactive and practical training on process mining that will help you and your organization to get a better insight in processes, potential issues, and can help you display root cause and potential solutions better.
Giancarlo Lepore, Sr. Business Analyst at Zimmer Biomet:
It was a good mix between theoretical and practical Training, as well as very interactive.
Andreas Wombacher, Managing Consultant at WIPRO:
The training was very practical, which I liked a lot. Good training to get a good understanding of the Disco tool and an idea of what you can do with process mining.
Sanjay Malhotra, SAP Program Manager at Wipro Technologies:
It's an excellent training and I have learned some very interesting things about process mining. I Liked the concept, the software and the training approach.
Alex Vervelde, IT specialist at Philips IT Delivery:
The training gave a comprehensive overview of the different aspects of process mining. I found it very helpfull that practical advice was provided for conducting process mining projects. A very interesting new area of expertise that probably will become very important (common?) in the near future.
Mick Langeberg, Supply Change Management at VECO:
I like how we talked through the practical details of conducting a process mining project. I know that I will get more out of my projects now that I took this training. It's a recommender.
Johan Boesveld, Co-founder at La Sapience:
Nice balance between theory and practice. Flexible and interactive enough, room for specific questions, good speed/pace. This training provides you with a thorough framework, which gives clear guidance to a process mining project. You'll learn what questions to ask, what problems you might encounter and how to solve them, how to perform an analysis, and how to present and discuss the results. During the training you'll get a lot of practical tips from real life cases.
José de Rooy, Medewerker Kwaliteitsmanagement at CZ:
Zeer bruikbare informatie over hoe je de kwaliteit van data kunt beoordelen en verbeteren. Fijn om praktisch aan de slag te gaan met de oefeningen. Zeer nuttig.
Menno Kuiper, Manager Information Services at Groningen Seaports:
In just two days you get a good view of the possibilities and the things you have to take care of.
Arvid Kok, Business Consultant at CGI:
The training is very complete as it is. The order is right and it builds up in a tempo most can keep up with. The presented real-live cases are really adding value.
Jack Keulers, Senior Lecturer at Fontys Hogescholen:
I liked the hands-on plus the structured lectures on topics. A must for any person that is thinking to be or become a lean/6sigma consultant. A new powerful tool to add to the box.
Vincent Vonk, Auditor at SNS Bank N.V.:
I would definitely recommend this training. The training was at the right speed and perfect for someone who is making the first steps in process mining.
Walter Peter, Migrationsamt des Kantons Zürich:
Ich fand die Schulung sehr gut aufgebaut. Auftauchende Fragen konnten sofort geklärt werden. Process mining bietet umwerfende Auswertungsmöglichkeiten. Auf viele wäre ich gar nicht gekommen ohne diese Schulung. Die Schulung geht weit über die Anwendung des Programms hinaus. Ich habe sehr viele Techniken dazugelernt, welche ich für die Prozessoptimierung nützen kann.
Wonderful presentation skills. Coverage of a wide area with examples. It's a must.
Vamsee Krishna Kota, Tech Mahindra:
Anne, the trainer, is very knowledgeable.
Mayuresh Rane, Process Consultant at Tech Mahindra:
It was a mix of what process mining is and how one can use it in real-life assignments. Very well articulated by Anne with the right examples at the right time.
Klaske Zijlstra, Procesarchitect at Gemeente Rotterdam:
De combinatie van theorie en praktijk. Ik vond het leuk dat dat er voldoende tijd was voor eigen inbreng en discussie. Een bijzonder leerzame training die op een zeer deskundige en tevens uiterst vriendelijke manier gegeven werd.
Chione van der Beek, Procesadviseur bij Gemeente Rotterdam:
Uitleg over het waarom en wat je kan met Process Mining. Het was goed te volgen en duidelijk. Inspirerend en interactief, je krijgt een goed idee wat je met process mining kunt doen. Het vormt een mooie aanvulling op bijvoorbeeld een brown paper sessie/waardenstroomanalyse.
Thomas Alexander, Business Excellence at Tech Mahindra:
Excellent delivery, not only explained the tool but also the various perspectives of looking at a process. Thanks, Anne! Process Mining is an amazing technique, especially in Disco, where you can see the permutation and combination of various aspects of the actual process flow movement and its impact. Disco will give you the facility to see the process in various dimensions with same data set.
Marc Gittler, Vice President Business Process Optimization at Deutsche Post DHL Group:
In this training you get a very good insight into process mining. You will be able to improve your analysis by applying filters and indicators to get a deep understanding of your processes.
Peter Vos, Principal Consultant Application Integration and Data Management at Ciber:
I liked the hands-on approach using the cases and the tips and tricks from Process Mining consultancy projects.
Arjen de Vries, Informatieadviseur/-manager at Lefier:
The explanation of all the topics was excellent.
Jeroen Visser, Process Miner at Promineth:
Heel goed waren de praktische tips, en hoewel ik redelijk wat "gespeeld heb" met Disco heb ik zeker nog nieuwe dingen geleerd. Er goed vond ik de laatste oefening. Het scenario: je komt bij een klant, die levert je wat ondoorzichtige logfiles, en ga daar maar eens chocola van maken. Het is een must voor iedereen die serieus met process mining aan de slag wil.
Ariadne Voorbraak, IT-audit/Risicomanagement at Gemeente Eindhoven:
Goede aansluiting bij de fase waarin we zitten met de ontwikkeling van process mining. Hele goede maatwerktraining waarin je veel vragen kwijt kunt en geattendeerd wordt op de mogelijkheden van Disco.
Niels Wiersma, Business Consultant at Gemeente Eindhoven:
To the point, practical, nice examples. Great to get a hands-on feeling of the possibilities of Process Mining.
Asok Suryadevara, Consulting Manager/MBB at Wipro Consulting:
I liked the way the process mining capabilities are explained using different scenarios and examples. This is a training that cannot be missed by any process improvement professionals.
Puneet Luthra, Senior Domain Consultant at Wipro Digital:
I really liked the clarity and flow of the presentation. The instructor made sure the sequence is well designed for presenting and session was well moderated. I highly recommend this training to colleagues to upskill themselves for the future.
Wouter Meyer, Senior Project leader at everis:
The trainer, Anne, was very knowledgeable and can clearly explain what she wants to say. Every aspect, be it shallow or deeper into the material is always explained with care.
Nour Assy, Postdoc at Eindhoven University of Technology:
This two-day training is a "must". You can't be a process miner without learning how to conduct a successful process mining project.
Abs Amiri, Senior analyst programmer and data science lead at SPARQ:
I liked the practice and questions based on real-life problems. With this training, you get the chance to apply theory in practice and an opportunity to know the overall typical process mining project steps.
Michael Heemskerk, Interne Controle bij Ministerie van Economische Zaken:
Ik vond het leuk dat het een kleine groep was en dat er interactie mogelijk was. Zeer leerzaam en noodzakelijk om een start te kunnen maken met process mining. Het bied handvatten om zelf verder op ontdekkingstocht te gaan binnen je eigen processen. De cursus heeft helemaal voldaan aan mijn verwachtingen.
Rob Vermeer, Team Interne Sturing at Ministerie van Economische Zaken:
I learned a lot in 2 days. As we were able to 'play' along in Disco while Anne was showing what to do, it was easier to understand the why and how of doing things. The training was very helpful and gives you the tools to do your own process mining.
Jan Carel Paro, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt at Schiphol Group:
I liked the small group and that the training is given by a real expert on the topic. Follow this training to get the most out of Disco and to learn a step-by-step approach for your processmining questions, without being overwhelmed by the complexity of your data.
Roel Blankers, Data-driven LEAN coach at VGZ:
Het werken met praktijkcases is fantastisch. Het trainingsmateriaal is prima verzorgd en vooral het in kleine groepjes werken is erg prettig. De tweedaagse 'Process Mining Comprehensive Training' is intensief, maar vooral erg leerzaam. De balans tussen theorie en praktijk is uitstekend te noemen. Je zult tevens ontdekken dat processmining waarde toevoegt aan ieder LEAN (Six Sigma)-traject. Al met al een aanrader!
Vadim Denisov, PhD Candidate at Eindhoven University of Technology:
The best training for learning Process Mining in practice by examples.
Nathalie Baudhuin, Master Data Analyst at UCB:
I liked the structure of this training and the interactivity with Anne. We could stop her anytime to ask our questions. Structured, organized, clearly explained and amazing tool.
Marina Palmanshofer, Prozessmanager/Projektmanager at sIT Solutions Spardat Gmbh:
Das Training war sehr praxisbezogen und sehr unterstützend war die Erstellung der Filter als Basisdatensatz aus unseren Daten. Vielen Dank nochmal für die tolle Schulung :-)
Markus Klevers, Niederlassungsleiter at Gepro mbH:
The introduction into the topic was very good and the training gives a very deep insight into the tool. I am now able to perform process mining projects by myself.
José Huisman, Docent ICT & Business at Fontys Hogeschool:
You get a good view on Process Mining and what you can achieve with it, and also hands-on experience with Disco (good exercises!). I thought I had some experience with Disco, but now I've seen much more functionality.
Dan Ciocan, Business Solutions Specialist at InfoStages:
Very practical, led by someone who has obviously have been in the trenches. Practical and insightful introduction to Applied Process Mining.
Jan Peeters, Supply Chain Architect at valueXstream:
Very hands on and instructive, a sound basis to start your first process mining journey.
Anne Rozinat vermag mit ihrer sympathischen und sehr kompetenten Art die Schulungsteilnehmer auch für komplexere Inhalte zu begeistern. Die Beispiele und Inhalte sind gut ausgewählt und optimal aufbereitet. Ein Muss für jeden Process Miner.
Remco Bunder, Informatieanalist ta Nederlandse Spoorwegen:
I liked everything. The set-up was good, the examples where nice, and we had a very good interaction in the group.
Erg leerzaam en effectief.
Wim Slot, Audit Manager at Auditdienst Rijk:
Goede afwisseling van theorie en zelf toepassen. Heldere uitleg van de verschillende onderdelen. Prima training, goede aandacht voor de praktijk. Je gaat naar huis met voldoende bagage om zelf aan de slag te kunnen gaan. Een aanrader.
The best part of the training is the scope. I had no previous experience in procesmining or any other data mining technique and was still able to understand everything.
Christoph Knapp, Consultant at Utility Partners:
Suitable for beginners but also for advanced users.
Erik Rootjes, Six Sigma Black Belt at Reaal:
Goede introductie tot Disco, goed overzicht gekregen van mogelijkheden en situaties besproken waar op gelet moet worden. Leuke, inspirerende omgeving. Groepsgrootte was gelukkig niet te groot, waardoor er ruimte was om in te gaan op vragen. Laat je verrassen door wat de mogelijkheden van process mining zijn. Zien is geloven.
Joris Mens, Innovation Analyst at NS:
This Process Mining Two-day training is an in-depth look at process mining and how to apply it to improve processes in a business setting. Although I already knew Disco I learned new things. Also plenty of attention to possible data problems and how to solve them.
John Buijtendijk, Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie:
Great mix between theory/presentation and hands-on exercises within DISCO.
Rob Decae, Researcher at Dutch Ministry of Justice:
Mooie afwisseling van theorie en praktijkvoorbeelden en practicum. Prettige systematische opbouw. De software is out of the box al heel erg bruikbaar maar deze training geeft je de mogelijkheid om de full power van het programma optimal te gebruiken. De aandacht voor data quality vond ik heel erg nuttig. Uitstekende cursus behorend bij een geweldige tool.
Freek Verdult, MinVenJ:
Duidelijke uitleg die op een zeer prettige manier gegeven werd. Combinatie uitleg met visueel PowerPoint en Disco afbeeldingen is fijn. De rustige manier van uitleggen is fijn, niet uit de hoogte of belerend. Interactie tijdens de uitleg is fijn. Een leerzame training die vooral vóór je begint te werken met Disco erg veel inzicht geeft. Zowel inzicht in hoe de tool werkt als ook inzicht hoe je analyses aan kan pakken.
Ellen van der Giessen, Adviseur at Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie:
I particularly liked the exercises. Not only theory but also learning by doing, and the workshop on the last day of the training. Perfect to learn the most important possibilities of Process Mining in two days.
Robbert Korthals, Head of Growth at Chama:
I liked the small group set-up. A very valuable BI skill-set expansion.
Saffira Lorraine Parker, Founder at MarketKing Strategies:
A very nice and profound training in which you will learn what process mining is and it prepares you to apply Disco on your own projects. The small and interactive setting makes sure there is time for questions to be asked and answered.
Mathijs Dik, EIFFEL:
Een goede training die in een notendop uitlegd wat Process Mining is, wat je ermee kan, hoe je het kunt gebruiken en waarbij je een goede basis krijgt voor je analyses. Al met al een goede en leuke training! Complimenten!
Goede balans tussen uitleg en interactie. De gebruikte voorbeelden bij de uitleg maken dat het duidelijk en concreet wordt waar het om gaat bij proces mining. Een leerzame en hands-on training die je helpt processen nog beter te doorgronden en analyseren.
Gábor Juhos, Solution Analysis Engineering at Vodafone:
I liked the exercises, especially the final one with the process simplification was a big flash for me. Very practical, provides the framework for how, and what in a process mining project you must perform, consider.
Riccardo Ferreri, Manager Internal Audit at Boels Rental:
I really liked the practical aspects of the training. Instead of focusing on the theory (which is already covered in several MOOC's and Books on process mining) the training took the persepctive of a process mining project. The "theory" and explanations were all geared towards the fases of a process mining project. Even the explanation of Disco and its functionality were all framed within practical applications. Also the cases we worked on in class were clear and relevant business cases that can immediately be translated to practical applications within your our own company. Finally, the practical experience of the trainers were very valuable as they added real life examples to illustrate concepts. Great training to hit the ground running with process mining projects!
Sehr kompetent! In der Schulung wurde ganz individuell auf die Teilnehmer und deren Bedürfnisse eingegangen.