FEMS Online Conference on Microbiology 2020 Recordings
Have you missed the FEMS Online Conference on Microbiology 2020? You can still enjoy the sessions and get access to all the recordings of the sessions, presentations, discussions and posters.
Take advantage of the outstanding presentations and discussions today and enjoy full access to over 400 video recordings - and plenty posters to watch until 27 October 2021!
Educational content includes plenary lectures: Metabolic adaptations as drivers for antibiotic tolerance in microbial biofilms, Remodelling Yersinia-host interactions - For better or worse, Survival Strategies in Microbes: it is all about communication, The emerging problem of AntiMicrobial Resistance and the role of vaccines as well as sessions and posters on:
COVID-19, The Control of Viral diseases by vaccination – new challenges, Helicobacter pylori – microbiologist prospective, Mighty Microbes for a Healthy and Sustainable Future, HIVAS – Contemporary Approach to the AIDS Infection – Role of Microbiologist-Virologist, Infections and control (human medical focus), Food Microbiology and Biotechnology (non human medical focus), AMR, noval therapeutic agents, Microbiomes and human health (mixed focus), Pathogenicity - virulence - diagnosis, Biofilms and Environmental Microbiology
Additional Information
The FEMS Online Conference on Microbiology is a small to medium sized, happening in alternate years to the Congress of European Microbiologists and organized in close collaboration with a local microbiology society. Here, intercontinental, European, regional, and local scientists, from all stages in their career and from all demographical backgrounds, can participate in a high-profile conference. In 2020, it was based on an intense collaboration with the Serbian Society for Microbiology and boasts a variety of regional speakers. Our commitment at FEMS is to help support microbiologists do their work, promote the best in microbiology research and knowledge to the world, and bring microbiologists together to share that knowledge. This event supports that commitment: giving high value for money at a low registration fee it opens possibilities for networking and exchanging knowledge and experiences to all.