Full-Stack JS Workshop 2014

JavaScript is at the core of the modern web—on the server and in the browser. In this full-day tutorial, we will lead you through the tools, frameworks, and paradigms that you need to craft modern, client-rich applications. Our intensive workshop will take you from a basic skeleton application to a production-ready infrastructure, ready to stand up to real-world traffic.


  • JavaScript for Modern Applications with jQuery & Underscore.js
  • MVC Fundamentals with Backbone.js and Node.js
  • Building Production Applications with Grunt & Friends
  • JavaScript Application Testing

This workshop will take place the day before CascadiaJS 2014, the premier conference for JS developers in the Pacific Northwest.

For more information about the workshop, please visit formidablelabs.com/training.

Tickets Prices in USD

Event map

Additional Information


Please note that a ticket to the workshop DOES NOT constitute a ticket to the CascadiaJS 2014 conference.