🤯 Introduction to State Machines Using XState with Kyle Shevlin
The difficulty of managing state is one of the biggest contributors to the complexity of our applications.
State is one of the most challenging things to get absolutely right in programming, because mishandled state is the source of So. Many. Bugs.
But it doesn’t have to be.
If you want to take ultimate control of state in your applications, you need to learn about state machines.
And Kyle Shevlin is just the person to help you!
In this workshop, Kyle Shevlin will guide you through the creation of a state machine library from scratch– The only prerequisite is a solid grasp of JavaScript.
Once you’ve learned the essential state machine concepts, Kyle will help you apply them to the open source XState library.
After this workshop, you’ll be ready to drop XState into your apps and start fixing all those nasty state-related bugs!
Topics Include: * Building & extending state machines * Using guards * Firing actions and events * Using context for infinite states
And more!
Tickets Prices in USD
Additional Information
This event will occur from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm Pacific (click here for timezones). Tickets are non-refundable. Tickets are transferrable.