EU|BIC Essentials Training Track 2023
The comprehensive guide for innovation ecosystem builders, including the latest innovation methodologies on sourcing good talent, managing spaces for impact, assuring financial sustainability, and structuring organisational impact.
Training certificate Available.
Drawing from the lessons and the best practices in business support delivery from across more than 35 countries worldwide, the EU|BIC Essentials Training Programme provides in five sessions a comprehensive guide to source good HR capital and companies for Business Innovation Centres and their innovation ecosystems, to manage incubation and acceleration spaces for impact, as well as assuring solid financial models and better structuring organisational impact for thriving EU|BICs. The training provides participants with the opportunity to interact with experts and trainers with extensive hands-on experience in innovation, people, spaces, sustainability and organisational management.
Participants will earn a learning certificate, issued by EBN, the leading pan-European community working on innovation-stimulating solutions, for excellent business support actors (incubators, accelerators, science centres, universities, clusters, and development agencies).