Irish Software Developers' Network - July 2013

The Irish Software Developer's Network is proud to welcome Java Goddess Trisha Gee to TCube on the 3rd July. Sponsored by Paddy Power, every attendee will receive a pair of Paddy Power pants as modeled by Arsenal hitman Nicklas Bendtner in his recent outing as striker for Denmark's clash with Portugal.

Trisha Gee is a leader in the London Java Community, actively involved in the Graduate Development Community and is passionate about attracting different types of people into programming. Her international speaking career was launched off the back of ‘The Disruptor’, an open source concurrent programming framework. Trisha has has a wide breadth of industry experience from the 12 years she's been a professional developer with expertise in Java Concurrency and agile processes.

Trisha is currently a developer for 10gen (the MongoDB company) where she maintains the MongoDB java driver, which she covers in her presentation "Design is a process, not a document".

Agile methodologies have had us moving away from Big Up Front Design to evolutionary, emergent design. But how does that work in the real world?

Using experiences gained when creating the new Java driver for MongoDB, Trisha will take us on a design journey, where the answer to every question is "It Depends, the users of the system and their use cases are unknown, and lurking at the back of every decision is the question "but will it be backwards compatible?"

We've all been there, trying to work out how to implement requirements, but have we really thought about the process of design? Beware Monsters, Trisha says!

If you'd like to talk to people about technical stuff with a smattering of fluffy-people-stuff and believe we shouldn't all have to make the same mistakes again and again, then book your seat NOW - apparently Trisha loves that too!

Ahead of Trisha, Paddy Power footballer Augusto Evangelisti who also has a great interest in agile practices, software quality and people will present a talk on how his team implemented BDD practices, and how they rediscovered the importance of conversations.

Did we mention Pizza and Beer? Of course we didn't! Who cares when you can get a pair of these striking Paddy Power Y-Fronts?

Doors Open 6.30pm (Pizza and beer served too ;)

Photo Courtesy of



Event map

Additional Information

TCube Dublin, located just off Dame Street in central Dublin, is a social enterprise that provides a convenient meetup space for Irish technology user groups, and corporate tech presentations.

We also provide daily and monthly co-working space loosely aimed at people in, and people supporting the technology sector.

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