Apache Kafka Night

We welcome local Brasilian developer Igor De Souza for a night of Kafka fun!


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Unlocking data-intensive applications

Typically web servers will allow Java applications to serve multiple users simultaneously rather than sequentially, by following the idea of Thread per request. With Virtual Threads, we can now build highly concurrent applications with high throughput without consuming an increased number of platform threads. In this presentation you will learn how a web application can handle 100K requests per second, the new use cases that this unlocks and I will show a quick overview of why 6 month Java evolution cadence is important. How can kafka help with this? In the last five years, Java was losing the market of data-intensive applications to languages like Go and Kotlin and this is the same thing that happened almost ten years ago when Java was losing the market of data applications to Scala. History is repeating itself.

Drinks and food courtesy of our wonderful partner network

Apache Kafka in the Raspberry Pi world

Did you know that a Raspberry PI can be a nice environment for Apache Kafka? Not only an environment for Kafka but you can use it to play with Producers, Consumer, Kafka connect, and KsqlBD in a safe way and be able to bring the hardware world, sensors and components, to Kafka. It’s a perfect fit for a test environment because sometimes even minor modifications can lead to significant disruptions if not tested beforehand. Not every company has a testing environment for Kafka, but they should. In this talk, you’ll learn why a testing environment is indispensable for Kafka, what it should include, when to use it, the problems it helps avoid, its inherent limitations and how to start using a Raspberry Pi with Kafka.

Igor De Souza Bio

Igor currently works as a Software Engineer in a Data Engineer team. With over 20 years of experience with Java and over 10 years in the Big Data world, Igor had the opportunity to work with Hadoop and its ecosystem right when Hadoop was created. In his spare time, he enjoys playing with Raspberry Pi and is an active member of the Maker community, highly engaged with STEM and CoderDojo. Igor Organizes a Facebook group for Brazilian IT in Ireland with over 12k participants. He is currently working on a pet project where he uses a Led Strip to teach basic concepts of data structure e data streaming.

About the Dublin Java User Group

Since 2006, the Dublin Java User Group, aka DubJUG, has been working with the global Java community to amplify technical knowledge for the benefit of Irish based developers and businesses.