Virtual DrupalNYC Meetup - July 7, 2021
July 7th, 2021
Additional Information
Welcome to the DrupalNYC monthly meetup! All are welcome to attend.
This meetup (on Zoom), including any audio or video that attendees share will be recorded and published publicly.
We look forward to seeing you!
The agenda is always subject to change. All times EDT.
- 6:00 pm - Join the call, get your camera plugged in, and hop on #meetup in DrupalNYC Slack to introduce yourself to other attendees. While we wait for everyone to join, if you have a question about anything Drupal, ask the audience!
- 6:15 pm - Announcements
- 6:30 pm - Presentations
- 7:45 pm - Closing remarks, virtual happy hour :)
AMA: Migrating 1m entities from D7 to D9 using Drush and Migrate API JD Leonard
In this talk, I’ll give an overview of the project requirements for and my approach to rebuilding a large Drupal 7 site, GilderLehrman.org, in Drupal 9 and migrating its 400,000+ users, and 600,000+ nodes, taxonomy terms, and files. Unique requirements included implementing a two-way sync with Salesforce and seeding user data in Drupal from a mix of Drupal 7 users and their corresponding Salesforce contacts. My goal is for most of this talk to be driven by your questions. Depending on interest, we can dive into the migration configuration files, custom migrate source plugins, and the Google Sheets I used to track migration status. Ask me anything!
Bio: JD Leonard is a freelance senior Drupal architect, back-end developer, trainer, and consultant focused on the planning and development of complex web applications using Drupal. Now based in Jersey City, he has been working with Drupal for over 15 years. Some of JD’s recent projects include UMDearborn.edu, MySuezWater.com, and GilderLehrman.org.
Joining the video conference
We will send the link to join the Zoom meeting on or before the day of the meetup to the email address you use when you RSVP. If you need help joining the meetup, please find support on DrupalNYC Slack.
Join the new DrupalNYC mailing lists
DrupalNYC reliably announces meetups (including date changes) and meetup presentations via our mailing lists. We invite you to choose which emails you wish to receive from DrupalNYC. We prioritize communicating via these mailing lists so sign up to avoid disappointment!
Speakers needed
We can't host our meetups or lunch & learns without willing speakers! Volunteer to speak or request a topic for a future meetup and we'll find a speaker for it: speak@drupalnyc.org
Help organize DrupalCampNYC 2021
Many hands make light work so we need your help organizing DrupalCampNYC 2021, tentatively scheduled for October 28-30 at hybrid online and in-person at the Eleven Times Square Microsoft Conference Center. No matter your skillset or experience, we can find a role in which you can contribute to our big annual event. Please join #camp-organize on DrupalNYC Slack or email camp-volunteer@drupalnyc.org
Get in touch
Have feedback for your volunteer organizers? We want to hear it: feedback@drupalnyc.org
Interested in sponsoring a future meetup? We'd love to hear from you: sponsor@drupalnyc.org
We *always* need more speakers! Volunteer to speak or request a topic: speak@drupalnyc.org
Join us on DrupalNYC Slack, our online community and be sure to join our mailing lists.