DrupalNYC Lunch & Learn - July 16, 2024
Our monthly daytime meetup. Meets online so you only need a lunch hour to connect with the community.
July 16th, 2024
Additional Information
Welcome to the DrupalNYC monthly lunch & learn! All are welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you!
Possible Topics:
We collaboratively choose one of these topics to discuss, and commit to reading the blog for the topic before the Lunch & Learn.
- Running Drupal on the Edge with WebAssembly
- AI-Driven Workflows with the AI Interpolator Module in Drupal
- Creating calculators in Drupal using Webforms and the Computed Twig element
- Intro to the Stylus CSS preprocessor
Topic selection: Running Drupal on the Edge with WebAssembly
Rank your choices in the #meetup channel of our Slack by the close of business on Thursday, July 11.
Joining the video conference
You will receive a link to join the meeting when you RSVP. If you need help joining the meetup, please find support on DrupalNYC Slack.
Join the new DrupalNYC mailing lists
DrupalNYC reliably announces meetups and lunch & learns (including date changes) and meetup presentations via our mailing lists. We invite you to choose which emails you wish to receive from DrupalNYC. We prioritize communicating via these mailing lists so sign up to avoid disappointment!
Get in touch
Have feedback for your volunteer organizers? We want to hear it: feedback@drupalnyc.org
Interested in sponsoring a future event? We'd love to hear from you: sponsor@drupalnyc.org