DrupalCampNYC 2020
General admission tickets are free (suggested donation $20) thanks to the generosity of our sponsors.
The deposit for a training ($25 half-day, $50 full-day) is refundable upon request if you attend the training, but we encourage you to donate your training deposit to further the non-profit mission of DrupalNYC.
Please take care not to register for trainings whose timings conflict with one another.
See our website for descriptions of each training.
See below for the terms that you agree to when registering for DrupalCampNYC 2020.
We look forward to seeing you at DrupalCampNYC 2020!
Registering last minute? Zoom meeting details for any training you register for as well as details for joining the rest of the conference via Hopin will be included in your email confirmation.
Tickets Prices in USD
November 12th, 2020
November 13th, 2020
November 14th, 2020
Additional Information
We charge a deposit for trainings (except for "Intro to Drupal") to ensure that the limited training spots are utilized.
You will have an opportunity during each training to request a refund of your deposit but we encourage you to donate the ticket price if you can.
If the deposit for a training would be financially burdensome for you, please request a waiver of the deposit by emailing camp@drupalnyc.org so we can accomodate you.
Donations for general admission and of training deposits are made directly to DrupalNYC Incorporated, a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, are non-refundable, and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
DrupalNYC is 100% volunteer run and provides Drupal programming, education, community, and opportunities to contribute to the Drupal project at our annual Camp and at our monthly meetups, which are free and open to all. Your donations empower us to better support the NYC and greater Drupal communities. Thank you in advance.
By registering, you:
- agree to abide by our code of conduct
- agree to our privacy policy
- acknowledge that times listed are approximate and subject to change