DotYork 2016

DotYork is a digital conference for curious minds.

No code, no tutorials. Just a series of high-quality talks, interviews and discussions designed to inspire, intrigue and inform.


Event map

Additional Information

Students & Under 18s

Thanks to the generosity of our partners, we have limited FREE tickets for Students & under 18s. To apply for one, simply send us an email telling us a little bit about yourselves and why you’d like to attend.

Find out more in our blog post about free student & under 18s tickets.


We’re giving away 10 tickets for students and under 18s to attend DotYork for free. If you’d like to support DotYork and the future of our industry then micro-partnership is for you. For each micro-partner we have, we’ll make 2 more free tickets available. You’ll also get your name and a link to your website/company on our website.

Find out more in our blog post about free student & under 18s tickets.

Bulk Orders & Non-Profits

Get in touch for a discount on standard tickets.