Responsible Technology Leadership for Charities and Social Enterprises

A one-day seminar with Doteveryone to help leaders of social enterprises and charities already delivering, or about to deliver, a digital product or service to consider how to make responsible technology part of the operations of a growing and thriving organisation.

The training is fully funded by DCMS and a travel grant of up to £200 per participant is available to attendees.

Please select your preferred seminar date and location from one of the options below.

NOTE: this is only to register your interest in attending. We will confirm your ticket allocation after registration closes on Monday 25 February.


Additional Information


Morning (10.30am start):

We will kick off with three provocations covering:
1. How to understand the context you're operating in
2. What does good look like for charities and social enterprises?
3. How do you move beyond user needs?


Mapping the consequences and contribution of a digital project or service to understand what changes in digital delivery.
Consequences mapping includes a multi-stakeholder analysis of a digital service and its potential impact on these stakeholders.
Contribution mapping explores the contributions that a product/service relies on and the value they give the organisation, their users and the community.

🥪Lunch and Networking

Values mapping:
Exploring how understanding the potential real-world effects of your digital service and the decisions you will need to take will allow you to build on your mission, vision and values and to responsibly connect strategy, policy and delivery.

🍷Drinks and networking (6.30pm end)

Who is this for?

  • Your position: CEOs, members of a senior leadership team, trustees or directors of charities based in the UK.

  • Your organisation: we will prioritise organisations with a turnover of less than £500k, located outside of London.

  • Your organisation's digital maturity: you're already delivering, or about to deliver, a digital product or service.

What is Responsible Technology?

Responsible Technology promotes a fair, inclusive and thriving democratic society. It considers the context of the individual and of the public as a whole, the potential harmful consequence and safeguards against them, and is founded on fair and transparent contributions between people and technology.

At Doteveryone, we’ve spent the past year researching the issues organisations face when trying to embed responsible technology practices in practical and tangible ways. From this we’ve developed an approach that will help guide organisations to assess the level of responsibility of their technology products or services as they develop them.

How are tickets allocated?

We will give away slots on a first-come, first-serve basis, and allocate slots regularly within that two-week window to individuals who meet the above criteria.
Sign-up closes at 9am on Monday 25 Feb, 2019.

How much will it cost?

The seminar is free to attend and a travel grant of up to £200 is available for all participants.

Note: All venues are wheelchair accessible, please let us know if you have any access requirements which we can help support. There will be vegan, diary free and gluten free food options available – please request these in the booking area.

Any other questions?
