The Medieval Wallpaintings of St Davids Cathedral: A Walk & Talk Event in the Cathedral
The Medieval Wallpaintings of St Davids Cathedral: A Walk & Talk Event in the Cathedral
with Richard Suggett, author of Painted Temples
Join this special event with an opportunity to view rarely seen medieval wall paintings in one of Wales’s most spectacular ecclesiastical buildings. Our guide will be Royal Commission architectural historian, Richard Suggett, author of Painted Temples: Wallpaintings and Rood-screens in Welsh Churches, 1200–1800/ Temlau Peintiedig: Murluniau a Chroglenni yn Eglwysi Cymru, 1200–1800.
Starting at 2pm in the Cathedral Nave, there will be Guided Walk led by Richard Suggett through the painted screen arch and into the Quire to see the paintings on the Bishop’s Throne and other features. We finish in the Cathedral Refectory to view the rare medieval Consecration Crosses. Richard Suggett has kindly agreed to sign copies of his book at the end of the event in the Cathedral Refectory.
Light refreshments will be available.
Participants are also welcome to come to Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir at 6pm.
Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.
This is a joint event held by the Royal Commission and St Davids Cathedral. This event is free but donations towards the upkeep of the Cathedral Library will be welcomed.
16 June, 2022, 2pm
Tickets will be limited and must be booked in advance.
Please reserve one ticket per person.
Additional Information
For further information
E-mail: nicola.roberts@rcahmw.gov.uk
Tel: 01970 621248