Early Medieval Inscribed Stones in Wales: Contexts, Connections and Identities
Early Medieval Inscribed Stones in Wales: Contexts, Connections and Identities
by Nancy Edwards
This talk will focus on inscribed memorial stones dating to the fifth, sixth and earlier seventh centuries CE. These are found in different parts of Wales and some other parts of Britain, as well as Ireland. They are inscribed in Latin and sometimes the Irish ogham alphabet and they marked the graves of men and, less frequently, women. This talk will examine the various landscape contexts in which the stones have been found, what the inscriptions can tell us about contacts with Ireland and the Continent and what they reveal about changing identities – Roman, Irish and British – in the post-Roman period, as well as conversion to Christianity.
Nancy Edwards is Chair of the Commissioners of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales. She is Professor Emerita in Medieval Archaeology at Bangor University and is a Fellow of the British Academy. This talk arises from her earlier research on early medieval carved stones in Wales conducted in partnership with Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales and the Royal Commission.
3 March, 2022, 5pm
This free lecture will be delivered via Zoom and the invitation will be sent to you once you have booked your place. Please don’t forget to download Zoom if you haven’t already!
Tickets will be limited and must be booked in advance.
Please reserve one ticket per household.
During 2022 we will be holding special events and regular presentations on our current research projects. All are welcome to these free online events. All talks will be recorded, becoming available in due course on the Royal Commission’s YouTube channel.
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For further information
E-mail: nicola.roberts@rcahmw.gov.uk
Tel: 01970 621248