Cwmbran: ‘Where the Future is Happening Now!’
Cwmbran: ‘Where the Future is Happening Now!’
by Susan Fielding
Join us online for this year’s Royal Commission Christmas Lecture, Cwmbran: ‘Where the Future is Happening Now!’ by Susan Fielding, Senior Investigator (Historic Buildings), on Thursday, 9 December at 5pm.
Voted Britain’s favourite New Town*, Cwmbran was built as part of an ambitious, Britain-wide programme to transform the lives of millions in the aftermath of the Second World War. Although often overlooked, Cwmbran is a fascinating, and highly significant, example of how planning and architecture were combined to create a new type of town designed for the people. This talk will chart the building history of the Cwmbran Development Corporation and explain why Cwmbran - birthplace of the Friends of Friendless Churches, Europe’s largest tinsel producer, home of the Wagon Wheel, and free parking capital of the world – is so important in the history of the built environment of Wales.
This talk is based on the forthcoming digital publication ‘Cwmbran New Town: An Urban Characterisation Study’ by Susan Fielding.
9 December, 2021, 5pm
This free lecture will be delivered via Zoom and the invitation will be sent to you once you have booked your place. Please don’t forget to download Zoom if you haven’t already!
Tickets will be limited and must be booked in advance.
Please reserve one ticket per household.
During 2021 we will be holding special events and regular presentations on our current research projects. All are welcome to these free online events. All talks will be recorded, becoming available in due course on the Royal Commission’s YouTube channel.
Additional Information
For further information
E-mail: nicola.roberts@rcahmw.gov.uk
Tel: 01970 621248