Treftadaeth Eglwysig / Ecclesiastical Heritage

English Below

Archwilio eich Archif – Clipluniau Archifol

Treftadaeth Eglwysig

Ymunwch â ni i gael cipolwg difyr ar lyfrgelloedd ac archifau sefydliadau bach a mawr. Eleni ar gyfer wythnos Archwiliwch eich Archif, fe’ch gwahoddir i wythnos o sgyrsiau ‘ciplun’ rhithiol am ddim ar y pum prif faes y mae ein llyfrgell ac archifau’n ymdrin â nhw: Archaeoleg, Pensaernïaeth, Treftadaeth Eglwysig, Archaeoleg Ddiwydiannol ac Archaeoleg Arforol.

Dydd Mercher, 24 Tachwedd, 13:00

Bydd y sgwrs hon yn canolbwyntio ar Treftadaeth Eglwysig a bydd yn cynnwys sgyrsiau ‘ciplun’ o’r canlynol:

  • Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru – Siarteri yn ein Casgliadau Eglwysig: Cipluniau o Gymru yn y Canoloesau – Lucie Hobson (sgwrs yn y Gymraeg gyda chyfieithiad mewn capsiynau)
  • Dr Williams’s Library - An Insight into Dr Williams’s Library – Alan Argent
  • Eglwys Gadeiriol Tyddewi – St Davids Cathedral Library and Treasury – How to Know What is There? – Mari James
  • CBHC – The Notebooks of R. E. Kay: Antiquarian of the 20th Century – Megan Ryder

Caiff y ddarlith ddi-dâl hon ei darparu drwy Zoom ac anfonir y gwahoddiad i chi ar ôl i chi archebu’ch lle. Peidiwch ag anghofio lawrlwytho Zoom os nad ydych wedi gwneud eisoes!

Mae nifer cyfyngedig o docynnau a rhaid bwcio ymlaen llaw.

Gofynnwch am un tocyn ar gyfer pob teulu.

Yn ystod 2021 fe fyddwn ni’n cynnal digwyddiadau arbennig a chyflwyniadau rheolaidd yn gysylltiedig â’n prosiectau ymchwil presennol. Mae croeso i bawb fynychu’r digwyddiadau ar-lein di-dâl hyn. Caiff yr holl sgyrsiau eu recordio a byddant ar gael yn y man ar sianel YouTube y Comisiwn Brenhinol.

Explore your Archive – Archival Snapshots

Ecclesiastical Heritage

Join us for fascinating snapshots of the libraries and archives of great and small institutions. This year for Explore your Archive week, you are invited to a week of free virtual ‘snapshot’ talks on the five main subject areas covered within our library and archives: Archaeology, Architecture, Ecclesiastical Heritage, Industrial Archaeology, and Maritime Archaeology.

Wednesday, 24 November, 13:00

This talk will be focusing on Ecclesiastical Heritage and will include ‘snapshot’ talks from the following:

  • National Library of Wales – Siarteri yn ein Casgliadau Eglwysig: Cipluniau o Gymru yn y Canoloesau (Charters in our Ecclesiastical Collections: Snapshots of Medieval Wales) – Lucie Hobson (Welsh-language talk with captioned translation)
  • Dr Williams’s Library - An Insight into Dr Williams’s Library – Alan Argent
  • St Davids Cathedral – St Davids Cathedral Library and Treasury – How to Know What is There? – Mari James
  • RCAHMW – The Notebooks of R. E. Kay: Antiquarian of the 20th Century – Megan Ryder

This free lecture will be delivered via Zoom and the invitation will be sent to you once you have booked your place. Please don’t forget to download Zoom if you haven’t already!

Tickets will be limited and must be booked in advance.

Please reserve one ticket per household.

During 2021 we will be holding special events and regular presentations on our current research projects. All are welcome to these free online events. All talks will be recorded, becoming available in due course on the Royal Commission’s YouTube channel.


Event map

Additional Information

Am fwy o wybodaeth / For further information
Ebost / Email:
Ffôn / Tel: 01970 621248

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