DevOpsDays Boston 2022
Welcome to DevOpsDays Boston 2022:
DevOpsDays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them.
Please make sure that you familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct for this event.
For public safety reasons this year, to access our event in-person at the Boston Center for the Arts, you will need A) proof of vaccination, B) your valid ID to confirm this proof of vaccination, and C) a mask for inside our event. We have designated the Cyclorama as the 'food zone' where while you are eating, a mask is not required.
Email us at boston@devopsdays.org.
Additional Information
For public safety reasons this year, to access our event in-person at the Boston Center for the Arts, you will need A) proof of vaccination, B) your valid ID to confirm this proof of vaccination, and C) a mask for inside our event. We recommend you bring more than one mask just in case something happens to your first one. We have designated the Cyclorama as the 'food zone' where while you are eating, a mask is not required.