CyprusJS Nicosia

CyprusJS Nicosia Edition with two talks and socialising.

  • 18.30h - Reception & Welcome
  • 19.00h - From Jazz Guitarist to JavaScript Developer by mostmojo
  • 19.30h - Panel Discussion: The State of Technology in Cyprus
  • 20.00h - Introduction to WASM and Rust
  • 20.30h - Socialising & Networking

Talks & Topics


  • What is Wasm anyway?
  • What is Rust?
  • Why should you choose Wasm, especially why with Rust.
  • How can you start hacking today!

From Jazz Guitarist to JavaScript Developer

Disciplines of music vs coding Time Effort Persistence 'Bugs' Continuous stepping stones / drilling scales

Post performance vs post product launch reflection Learning a language - reading the stave vs reading a text editor (notes, rests vs curly brackets, for loops, etc) Brief comparison of some JavaScript code vs a sheet of music - can you see the similarities? Deploying vs Mastering Learning the fundamentals and jumping to other frameworks vs learning the theory and applying to another instrument 'The ongoing quest as a life long learner' How developing and music is both technical, thus the jump is not as scary as it seems. (Use examples)
