Cuidiú Membership

Cuidiú Family Membership is €25 per year.  Half year membership runs from 1st July to the end December for just €13   Benefits of being a Cuidiú family member:

1 - Receive discounted entry to many of our events and activities including:

2 - After six months of Family Membership, you will be eligible to apply for Cuidiú training courses:

3 - You will be insured at any event you attend with Cuidiú. Public liability cover is in place for Family Members hosting events whether in their own home or in a public place. Family Member to Family Member liability cover is also in place.

4 - You will be invited to attend the annual Cuidiú National Members Conference.

5 - And most importantly you will be supporting a great charity run by volunteers who are dedicated to helping others on their parenting journey. ~~~

Please do ensure you answer all the questions as prompted when purchasing this membership - thank you


Additional Information

Cuidiú is a volunteer led charity which has been providing support and education for parents and parenthood for 40 years across all of Ireland. We empower parents to make informed choices through knowledge and mutual support and to progress fulfilled through all stages of parenthood, from pregnancy to raising children.

We offer this via childbirth education, postnatal support, breastfeeding support and, on a social level, at local meets and events. Visit us on

CHY - 10752